John Steinbeck's Afraid Of Commitment Of Women

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Men are afraid of commitment because they feel as though their options are being cut off. Some men enjoy the thrill of having multiple women to talk too. A man will go after a woman for as long as she let him, but once she’s ready to be committed the man starts to feel trapped.
For them being committed is all a power game. And once their committed they feel like he will become putty in her hands. The men that are afraid of commitment need to be in control to feel their power. Men like this cannot stay with one-woman long. Sooner or later his independence starts to grow. Their desire to talk to another one starts to intensify each time they run. As a man, they must show their masculinity by being in competition with the next man to see how many women they can talk to at once.
Some men hate the feeling of being used by women. As women, we feel the need for the man to make a commitment for us to feel secure. But this doesn’t do anything but make the man feel like his being used as an object or for the woman’s security blanket. No man wants to feel like he is being used. If he senses that he is being used he will leave. If a woman can give the man some freedom, when she has things going on of her own, the fear of being used can go away. …show more content…

His wants to stay and feel valued. As a woman, we have to understand their fears and patterns of running away, so that we can handle the relationship as one. First, we must see where these patterns come from. Some men have a rivalry with their father to see who can win the mothers love. Some men never overcome the rivalry with their father, and they never feel they can have a woman of their own. And often these men find that they cannot be successful with competing with other men. They are convinced that another man will take their woman at their

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