Johannes Vermeer's Girl With A Pearl Earring

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Johannes Vermeer was born on October, 31st 1632, in Delft, Netherlands, and died December, 16 1675. Jan was one of the best artists during that period of time. He, had many successes, but one painting that capture everyone’s attention was, Girl with a Pearl Earring, an 18 ¼ x 15 ¼ in. Size portrait, painted in 1655, and represented to be an oil on canvas painting. This portrait can be viewed in Mauritshuis, The Hague. The genre of this painting is a historical fiction, as in the subject it was about daily life situations, and an ordinary girl. Johannes Vermeer made this painting be a representational, because it showed is emotions, patients, and dedication. Also, it represents a woman and how this painting became to be. Girl with a Pearl Earring,

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