Joe Louis Research Paper

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Has anyone ever wondered why, what made the tough Joe Louis join the sport of boxing? Before Louis held the heavyweight title for almost 12 years, Louis only had little schooling because his mother noticed he wasn’t strong at it, so she wanted him to have a musical career and had him play the violin. One day during his violin lesson, a friend of his recommended him to try out the sport of boxing because he was so muscular and tall. Ever since that day Louis hid his boxing gloves in his violin case; spending his afternoons in the gym rather than practicing the violin and became the great man he is today. Joe Louis is a rebel because he has improved the culture for all Americans and shaped their independence and character.

Joe Louis changed …show more content…

Joe Louis was said to be the most gracious and generous fighter. “He proved that a good man and great athlete can exist in the same person” (The). After the first fight with Max Schmeling, Adolf Hitler praised Schmeling for winning, disrespected Louis and bragged about it, which wasn’t sportsmanship at all. After the second match between Louis vs. Schmeling, Louis didn't show boat or parade at all, after the fight Louis helped Schmeling up and gave him a hug after the fight. He showed America how to really be a great sport player. After fights Louis never taunted or put himself above anyone which was something fans loved about him. “Part of it could be chalked up to the sheer fact that fans loved a winner. Of Louis' 25 title defenses, only three went the full 15 rounds. But in winning, Louis also showed himself to be a gracious, even generous victor” (Joe). This shows how all throughout Louis’ career how good of a sport player he was against his opponents. Not everyone can 25 title defenses and not parade about it. As well as Louis being a gracious and generous fighter, Louis was just put on a pedestal in the fellow eyes of

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