Joaquin Guzman Thesis

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It is unknown when Joaquin Guzman was born. In fact, very little is known about his childhood. A man who did not have the opportunity to receive an education, had an abusive father and had lost brothers in his youth. Joaquin is regarded as a hard worker by some of Mexican people that he was able to influence throughout his lifetime. Others, and these beyond the realm of Sinaloa regard him as a drug kingpin, known for the murder of many and the ruining of even more. A man known to have at one point handled over eighty percent of Chicago’s drugs, his arrest presented a discussion that had been ignored by international standards but that those affected most by poverty in the rural regions of Mexico had felt for years. The Mexican government had …show more content…

After his father kicked him out of his house at the age of fifteen, El Chapo moved in with his grandparents for five years before following in the footsteps of his uncle and one of the “first pioneers” in drug trafficking, Pedro Aviles Pérez. El Chapo was known for being ambitious, even in his youth. He would pressure his superiors to often allow him and increase his shipments. Guzman was known as someone that was not to be messed with. If shipments were late or wrong, El Chapo would shoot the person that had wronged him, and his superiors liked that about him. Those that were on the other end of the gun however, did not, for they feared him and were willing to pay more for El Chapo’s shipments as long as they were not killed. El Chapo’s no nonsense rules led him to be introduced to one of the major drug lords Félix Gallardo, who employed him as a part of his logistics team, which was in charge of getting drugs from Colombia through land, air and sea. Gallardo had killed a Drug Enforcement Administration agent, a move that upset the United States and forced Mexico to act and punish those involved. When Gallardo was captured, El Chapo seized his opportunity and the land that was under the Guadalajara Cartel was divided amongst him and other drug traffickers. The land that was given to El Chapo was land that bordered the state of Arizona and …show more content…

As it grew in size, what also increased was the number of people affected by him. According to the United States government, it is estimated that El Chapo’s reach extended beyond that of Pablo Escobar’s. As more and more of his shipments were making their way into the United States, more people were becoming addicted to the methamphetamines and other drugs. He was believed to have handled an estimated eighty percent of the drugs in Chicago at one point. He bribed officials and people that were supposed to look after the Mexican people, and he and his henchmen killed many. However, when he was captured and arrested a second time, the people took to the streets. The people of rural Mexican cities saw El Chapo as a business man that went from being poor and not having an education, to being one of the richest men in the world. According to those that protested the arrest, they mentioned the opportunities that El Chapo had provided them. He offered them jobs and an income at times where their own Mexican government had not done anything for them. Those same protesters also faced the fact that El Chapo and his men were murders by stating that even though homicides were tragic, the rate at which the Mexican people were dying of hunger and chronic illness that are caused in great parts by the Mexican government. The mayor of Culiacan, seeing the protesters marching exclaimed that it must be a sick joke. Some

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