Jimmy Valentine Quotes

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Can a criminal really change to be a better person? Jimmy Valentine was serving time in jail for being a burglar. He thought he would have been out earlier, but he served 10 months. When Jimmy got out he was so relieved to be out. Jimmy met a woman outside the bank where he soon fell in love with her. Risking everything, even if it means losing his new Identity, he saved Agatha. Jimmy Valentine did strive to become a new, better person, because he saved Agatha from the safe, he moved to start a new life, and he was going to give his tools away. Jimmy Valentine was going to sell his tools because he met Annabelle and he wanted to change. In the story it states that, “It was a complete set made of specially tempered steel, the latest designs in drills, punches, braces and bits, jimmies, clamps, and augers with two or three novelties invented by Jimmy himself.”Jimmy used these high class tools to rob banks and other places. Another quote taken from the text was, “ Get away from the door, all of you.” Jimmy commanded. Jimmy was using his tools to make sure Agatha got out of the safe safely, Jimmy was going to sell his tools, but never did and ended up using them for good causes. Jimmy had the finest tools in the East. The text said, “ Over nine hundred dollars …show more content…

In the text it stated, “He set his suitcase on the table, and opened it flat.” Jimmy may have never sold his tools, but in the end he used them for good causes. Another act Jimmy played was, “With that act Ralph D. Spencer passed away and Jimmy Valentine took his place.” Jimmy didn’t have to risk losing his new identity to save Agatha but he did what was right for him, her, and her family. “He was going to Little Rock that day to buy his wedding suit and buy something nice for Annabelle.” Jimmy wasn’t Jimmy anymore, his life was new and fresh, and he was getting married. Jimmy may have risked himself, but in the end it all turned out

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