Jill Hathaway's Slide

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Have you ever wanted to know how others view the world or live someone else's life just enough to get the thrill of being someone else? Slide by Jill Hathaway talks about a young girl named Sylvia who has the ability to just do that. Everyone thinks Sylvia is narcoleptic but Sylvia isn't! During her so-called narcoleptic episodes, Sylvia slides into someone else's mind and body which she experiences and sees the world through that person's eyes. This is her last year of high school things are going great until one night she slides into a body and mind of someone who is holding a knife, which is standing over her sister’s best friends body. She wishes to tell someone what she has seen but who would believe her? Through her journey to unmask the killer she undergoes many terrifying secrets, lies and tries to stay away from danger as long as she can; while she is escaping danger everyone …show more content…

After losing her mother to pancreatic cancer and being a victim of rape she has had a very traumatic and difficult childhood. Under the circumstances of her mother dying, growing up she did not understand why her mom had to develop a deadly disease and leave her all alone. By the time high school hit Sylvia understood that you can not stop cancer and her mother did not leave her on her own will. In accordance, realized that everything happens for a reason and yes it is sad that her mother died but life moves on and you can not live life in sorrow (p.27) Even though Sylvia thinks everything happens for a reason being rapped is not one of them and something that no one women or man should have to go through. Especially when the ones closest to you choose to set you up for failure. Even though Sylvia can never get over being rapped, she knows that not everyone in the world is bad and is out to see others in sorrow

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