Jessie Grace Character Analysis

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Jessie Grace is one of my favorite leaders. I could picture her being in government because she posses's all of the character traits one needs to step into a position in government. The top five characteristics I see in Jessie are compassion, self-discipline, a willingness to work hard, an ability to encourage others, and honesty.
Compassion is something you see a lot in Jessie, she is very good at relating with people around her. She never makes it seem that she is higher than someone else because they are in a lower spot than she is. Having compassion for those around her makes her a very nice person to be around, no matter what you are going through. In the bible Jesus talks about showing compassion in Mathew 9:36, "When He saw the crowds, …show more content…

You would not want a leader that does not want to do anything for themself or anyone else. Jessie is someone who works hard in everything she does. Knowing that God has called her to do this even at age sixty. She surpasses many who are younger than her, because she puts her mind to it and relies on the Holy Spirit for all the strength she'll need. Not only does she complete it but she is willing to do it. Jessie does not complain about her work load, instead praises God that she is able to do it. Colossians 3:23 says, "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men." Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."
Encouraging others is definitely one of Jessie's strengths. She does it without even thinking. During debates people gossip about others, but not her. Jessie sees the gold in everyone. The Holy Spirit gets all the credit for that one. Jessie is always intune to what the Holy Spirit has to say, and makes sure she thinks before she speaks. Even when Jessie is going through something tough she still has the strength to encourage those around her. In 1 Corinthians 14:31 it says, "For you can all prophesy one by one, so that all may learn and all may be

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