Nursing Burnout Essay

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Nursing Burnout

Nursing theory is used to bring many aspects of clarification and guidance to the profession of nursing; the framework can enable the researcher and learner to identify weaknesses and address problems with a systematic approach. For this assignment the nursing theory that will be used is Jean Watson’s theory of human caring; this method highlights the many of the useful aspects that can be applied to the concept of nursing burnout in the profession. The theory of human caring emphasizes the holistic healing environment for patients and staff with an emphasis on the mind, body, and spirit and can be applied to excellence in nursing that shows a reflection of compassion and caring (Norman, Rossillo & Skelton, 2016). The areas …show more content…

It is possible to develop leadership styles that foster supportive work environments that are sensitive to the needs of employees through leadership development courses that highlight the human caring theory and how to utilize it for internal nursing satisfaction and reduce burnout for staff (Heather, Spence & Roberta, 2014). Implementing the human caring approach into the educational environment of students is imperative to start the foundation of human caring. If used in the educational setting it is found to decrease the focus on only skill-based tasks and allows the students the opportunity to develop the skill base required to deliver quality care and provide the necessary environment to learn to create caring-healing environments (Carey, 2016).
Evaluating the use of future research that can be done on nursing burnout is one that can be done on a consistent basis as the healthcare system is continually evolving to improve evidence-based practice and patient satisfaction. Having the ability to use nursing theory with emphasis on the human caring theory allows for research on the impact of how the nursing environment can be better improved, the level of introduction of nursing theories related to differing degree levels and how an employer can efficiently incorporate the caring theory into …show more content…

(2016). Watson’s Human Caring Theory: Pertinent Transpersonal and Humanities Concepts for Educators. Humanities, Vol 5, Iss 2, P 21 (2016), (2), 21. doi:10.3390/h5020021
Heather, K., Spence, L., & Roberta, F. (2014). New nurses burnout and workplace wellbeing: The influence of authentic leadership and psychological capital. Burnout Research, Vol 1, Iss 1, Pp 19-28 (2014), (1), 19. doi:10.1016/j.burn.2014.03.002
Henry, B. J. (2014). Nursing burnout interventions: what is being done?. Clinical Journal Of Oncology Nursing, 18(2), 211-214. doi:10.1188/14.CJON.211-214
Norman, V., Rossillo, K., & Skelton, K. (2016). Creating healing environments through the theory of caring. Association of Operating Room Nurses.AORN Journal, 104(5), 401-409. doi:
Turkel, M. C. (2014). Leading from the heart: caring, love, peace, and values guiding leadership. Nursing Science Quarterly, 27(2), 172-177. doi:10.1177/0894318414522663
Van Bogaert, P., Timmermans, O., Weeks, S. M., van Heusden, D., Wouters, K., & Franck, E. (2014). Nursing unit teams matter: Impact of unit-level nurse practice environment, nurse work characteristics, and burnout on nurse reported job outcomes, and quality of care, and patient adverse events—A cross-sectional survey. International Journal Of Nursing Studies, (8), 1123.

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