Jealousy In Daphne Du Maurier's Rebecca

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In Daphne Du Maurier book, Rebecca, Mrs. De Winter is the narrator, and tells a sort of investigation story. Rebecca is a story full of mystery and suspense. The novel takes place in Europe. Mrs. De Winter is a character that is filled with curiosity. Throughout the novel, the narrator or Mrs. De Winter shows many characteristics, which include jealousy, fear, and shyness. First, Mrs. De Winter shows jealousy throughout the novel. Mrs. De Winter in the beginning of the novel is jealous of the relationship Maxim and Rebecca had. Through the novel Mrs. De Winter is jealous of Rebecca by the expressions Maxim does, like “After a minute I glanced at him swiftly. He was standing by the mantel piece, his hands in his pockets. He was stating straight in front of him. He is thinking about Rebecca” (150). Furthermore, Mrs. De Winter is also jealous because she thinks Rebecca would cheer up Maxim up when he is mad, like “At first Maxim would be glum, answering in monosyllables, but little by little she would win his humor back again … and when they finished the next course he would be laughing again” (203). The narrator is mainly jealous since her first few day go terrible at Manderley, which is Maxims house where extravagate parties used to be hosted. The narrator thinks that it goes bad because Maxim is not over Rebecca …show more content…

De Winter is a character who is shy. The narrator is shy, because every time there is visitors at Manderley she always responds to questions in one word responses. Throughout the novel Maxim is always getting on to Mrs. De winter, for her shy nature. Visitors at Manderley also see her shyness, and compare her to Rebecca saying she is different. Mrs. De Winter also notices people compare her to Rebecca , and says “ ‘you see, I know that all the time, whenever I meet anyone new, they are all thinking the same thing – How different she is to Rebecca.’” (134). Mrs. De Winters shy life is noticeable, and makes her feel less due to her

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