Jawaarlal Nehru: Glimpses Of World History

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Glimpses of World History by Jawaharlal Nehru is a collection of journal entries Jawaharlal wrote for his daughter while he was in prison. Through these journal entries, Jawaharlal tried his best to explain world history, through his perspective of course, during 1930s while he was in jail and the history of the past centuries. I believe he did an excellent job in summarizing to the best of his ability so much history into a language that was easy to understand especially for his young daughter to one day read. So much history for one person to know can be unbelievable, some might have to question is it possible that everything in the book is accurate or could he have messed a couple of facts up? I must add how impressive it is that Nehru …show more content…

He did jump from event to event when they were to be compared or if he was clarifying why something was the way it was. Most of the letters did go back to European history, he did talk mainly on events that had impacted Europe in any particular way. In his journal entry titled “The Lesson of History,” Nehru states “a study of history should teach us how the world has slowly but surely progressed, how the first simple animals gave place to more complicated and advanced animals, how last of all came the master animal—Man, and how by force of his intellect he triumphed over the others. Man's growth from barbarism to civilization is supposed to be the theme of history. In some of my letters I have tried to show you how the idea of co-operation or working together has grown, and how our ideal should be to work together for the common …show more content…

To me history is simply things that has happened in the past which we learn from and try to use in order to better our situations. That is pretty much what he meant as well. Its showing us how the world is changing and how we are advancing as a whole and as individuals. I believe there’s no denying the fact that history has gotten us to where we are today despite there be certain instances where it may seem as if we haven’t learned anything. Nehru said that our ideal should be to work together for a common good, which might just mean more advances. The reason why there has been so much progression in the world is because of the new ideas that’s been spreading throughout influencing everyone to update their ways and hopefully be better than they were

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