Jared Diamond Global Inequity

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Robert Lynch Dom Manna Mr. Noyes Global 24 March 2014 Jared Diamond Essay According to Jared Diamond’s thesis, global inequity is not determined by cultural differences, or race, but instead, attributed to geography. The conclusion to be drawn from this thesis is, why do specific tactics only work in specific places? Furthermore, how come Western civilization tactics were effective in the Western countries such as Europe, but not effective in countries such as Egypt? All in all, the reason for this is due to the natural geographic disadvantages Egypt had dealt with in comparison to Europe. These two countries differ in plant and animal domestication, and also size as well as population. In addition to that, the terrain and environment of different regions throughout the world have a major impact on the success of civilizations. Egypt is a country located in Northwestern Africa which sits right beside the Nile River. Egypt also borders the coastlines of the Mediterranean and Red Sea; therefore the Egyptians rely heavily on the nearby waterways. Egypt’s size is approximately four times the size of the United Kingdom or about the size of Texas and New Mexico combined. As for the land, Egypt is predominantly desert; only about 3.5% of the total land is cultivated and harvested upon. Due to that, 99% of the Egyptian population resides along the Nile Valley and Nile Delta. As a result of the arid, dry weather, Egyptians view the Nile as sacred territory where they can grow their crops such as cotton, rice, corn, wheat, beans, fruits, vegetables cattle, water buffalo, sheep and goats. Jared Diamond, in his movie “ Germs, Guns, and Steel” explained that civilizations that were able to domesticate animals and plants, were mor... ... middle of paper ... ...ation resides along the Nile and in France the people are scattered about due to a more favorable geography. Jared diamond reiterated, time and time again, that global inequity coincided with geography. Egypt, in comparison to France, had the natural disadvantage of being dealt with a desert climate, as opposed to France’s favorable cultivating climate. This allowed for France to naturally be more skilled in areas such as planting crops; having the adverse effect for Egypt. The lack of water also contributed to the inequality, as animals were able to thrive in environments that offered a surplus of water. Lastly, a more favorable geography in developed countries plays a major role as to why developing countries are not quite developed. Jared Diamond’s thesis thoroughly explains this as geography is reason for the unequal distribution of wealth in the world today.

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