Janitor's Closet Creative Writing

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I scampered quickly down the half illuminated corridor, made a sharp turn into what I thought was a storage closet, and forcefully hurled and crashed into a large object that made a loud racket, announcing more unwanted attention that I didn't need. The entrance to the janitor's closet was dislodged, and the rest of the supplies were scattered around on the ground. I don't know who was after me, but I did know that I'm not enjoying being pursued, and I could tell that they didn't enjoy my company either. Wherever I was, I needed to find an exit, and quickly. I grabbed the most formidable weapon I could use. A mop, it probably won't cause that much damage, but I may be able to use it as a distraction of some kind. "Stop running immediately, there is no point. We will always find you, Alec …show more content…

"You may find me but you will never take me!" I exclaimed with intensity. I knew that was probably a lie, but I didn't care about that anymore, I just needed to clear my head. My Dad always said to clear your head whenever I was nervous or worried. It seemingly helps you think better than letting your nerves taking control of my nervous wreck of a body. I knew that if I let fear take over me, I will sense and hear things better, so I did. I exited the Janitor's closet and tore towards an exit sign and kept following each one until... I was out, above ground, but in a cavern. The cavern smelled musty, blocking my nose. It was a closed space, no more than 15 feet across and 10 feet tall. I immediately dropped my mop, the place had a classy yet sleek style, wires running up and down the walls. Suddenly a deep rumbling noise seemed to come from even deeper underground, wobbling and shaking, filling the cavern with a shattering eclipse of noise. I was falling, I braced myself into a survival position, getting ready to do a roll, and waited to see the ground. But, for

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