According to the article, I believe Jamie Whited proceeded as she should, by writing school policies for the program that instituted how an individual can act and speak as a professional.4 “According to Whited, on February 29th 1996, Whited was in the middle of a foot evaluation on Peyton Manning, when the star quarterback apparently mooned her”.4,5 I believe Whited proceeded the way that any professional employee should, by reporting the incident immediately after it had happened to both her superior, Mike Rollo, and the Sexual Assault Crisis Center in Knoxville.4 After reading the article I was upset that Jamie Whited’s boss would not continue to investigate the incident professionally, rather he allegedly change the story, in order to protect …show more content…
Jamie Whited was a long time employee for the university, and instead of the University of Tennessee trying to protect her, the university pretty much forced her to agree on a settlement, and resign from her position with the University of Tennessee.4 The outcome of the settlement did not only effect Jamie Whited’s work life with the University of Tennessee, but it also affected her career moving forward as a professional in college athletics for the Florida Southern, which when they found out about the settlement, the university also forced Jamie Whited to resign from her position years later.4Overall, the sexual harassment case at the University of Tennessee did not only affect her job there, but it ended up affecting the rest of her life as a health-care …show more content…
The first step in the process of a sexual harassment case would be for me to tell the athletic trainer that she needs to go to the higher level administrators and speak up and tell them about the recent incident. I would tell the athletic trainer that should speak up immediately and not hold off on telling her bosses about the incident. Also, because I also am now aware of the situation, I will to go to the higher level administrators and report hearing about the incident. The next step in the process would be to follow the organizations policies and procedures involving sexual harassment, which as I already stated would be telling your supervisor about the situation immediately after it happens. From then, hopefully the organization will also follow the policies and procedures and further investigate the incident. As well as contacting the athletic trainers supervisor, I believe that the athletic trainer who has been being sexually harassed should have some short of record or document stating what happened during the incident, as well as time and date in which the incident had occurred. After reading and learning about the Jamie Whited case, besides for following the organizations policies and procedures, I would also tell the athletic trainer to consider consulting her attorney about the situation.
This case involves a sophomore at a high school named Christine Franklin, who alleged that she was sexually harassed and abused by a teacher and sports coach by the name of Andrew Hill. These allegations were occurring from 1986-1988, a total of two years. These allegations included Hill having explicit conversations with Franklin, forcing her to kiss him, and forceful intercourse on school grounds. Franklin claimed that she let teachers and administrators know about the harassment and that other students were going through the same harassment. The result of telling the teachers and administrators was that nothing was done about the situation and even encouraged Franklin not
The trial of 19 year old Owen Laurie has brought into light the alarming rate in which Sexual assault is rising. The issue that rages on in Colleges is said to be making its way to high schools and primary school. In a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Division of Violence Prevention, 19% of Undergraduate women experienced
When university or police find out about the sexual assault, they immediately blame the victim or question what the victim was wearing, drinking, or doing. “Brownmiller identified four basic rape myths: (1) All women want to be raped; (2) a woman cannot be raped against her will; (3) a woman who is raped is asking for it; and (4) if a woman is going to be raped, she might as well enjoy it” (Helgeson, 2012, p. 432). In The Hunting Ground, the rape myth, which a woman who is raped is asking for it, is seen throughout the testimonies of the survivors. Clark, herself, was told by her dean that “rape is like a football game” and asked if “looking back, what would you have done differently?” (Ziering & Dick, 2015). These rape myths affect how many victims actually report and how seriously sexual assaults are taken within universities and the justice system. For example, some women, themselves, subscribe to rape myths because they see how current cases are handled. “Women who did not physically fight off the person who raped them and who subscribed to the rape myth that “it can’t be rape if a woman doesn’t fight back” were less likely to acknowledge that they had been raped” (Helgeson, 2012, p. 434). Universities need to teach first-year students about consent and how to
After reports of several transgressions and the surface of a damaging videotape which appeared to show Knight physically assaulting a former player, the president of Indiana, Neil Reed, had explained to Knight that there was a zero tolerance policy where Knight was concerned (Wolff, 2000). Despite the repeated warnings and the newly stated zero tolerance policy, Knight continued to commit transgressions that eventually got him fired from Indiana University where he had coached for almost three decades. Indiana University took a thrashing from Knight fans’ over this decision, but keeping Knight as an agent of the University could have resulted in a legal disaster. From a Biblical worldview, the University showed mercy in the second chances that it provided to Knight. In addition, their actions did not appear to be malicious when they made the decision to let him go.
Duke University, a female place kicker alleged sexual discrimination when she was not selected for Duke Universities football team, one of the contact sports in the Title IX regulations. Although no woman had ever participated on the team Duke University did not specifically say that football at the university was not a coed team (Stevens, 2004). North Carolina district court granted the university’s motion for summary judgment, concluding that the “regulation did not contain an exception for any particular position that may not require physical contact” (Stevens, 2004). On Appeal, the fourth circuit court reviewed the “separate teams” subsection of Title IX and noted that Duke University had allowed this woman to tryout for coed sports team deeming her qualified to be a member of the team (Stevens, 2004). The verdict in this case is the first documented case awarding punitive damages in a Title IX athletics related case. Title IX’s purpose is to prevent discrimination against women in educational forums, but by institutions diminishing Title IX’s mandate, the commission is allowing and justifying the rationalization of on going discrimination against
The level of hurt that can come from ignoring a sexual assault and that it actually happened can affect someone negatively. It can even get them to thinking bad about themselves and it can turn to the worse fast. There were many flaw’s/fallacies that were committed pertaining to these sexual assaults on campus.
Neimark, Jill. "Out of Bounds: The Truth About Athletes and Rape" Mademoiselle May 1991 P196-199, 244-245
In this research paper, we will evaluate how sexual assault is handled on a college campus. What system is used and how does it
When it comes to sexual assault on college campuses there is also the question of what can colleges do to decrease the amount of sexual assaults. Bradford Richardson and Jon A Shields wondered the same thing, so they conducted an ...
Roberts, Barry S. and Richard A. Mann. ?Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: A Primer.? n.pag. On-line. Internet. 5 Dec 2000. Available WWW:
Anita Hill gave women hope, but none of this would have happened if she had not have had the courage to speak up about the sexual harassment by Clarence Thomas. Even though the EEOC had defined sexual harassment as sexual discrimination ten years prior to the initial accusation, women were afraid to speak up about it. Sexual harassment was viewed as a victim’s probl...
About one in four women are victims of sexual assault in college, but there are ways to prevent this problem. The consequences of sexual assault are harmful and long-lasting and affect not only the victims but also their families and communities. Solutions to this problem _______. But, as Richard Edwards, chancellor of Rutgers-New Brunswick college said, “Regardless of the number, it’s a major problem, affecting our students and people all across the country and it has to be taken seriously” (5). If people work together, the steps can be taken to stop sexual assault in colleges.
This essay will discuss the topic of sexual assault. In the Law Society and Justice program at Dawson, students are taught to think critically about society. In terms of justice and law, they can impact people’s decisions, their choices, and their access to justice. The majority of individuals are unaware that a form of sexual assault takes place approximately every six minutes in the United States (Brison 6). Therefore, almost 293,066 accounts of sexual assault occur each year (Rape Abuse and Incest National Network 1). In this essay, the causes of sexual assault will be presented, the effects of rape on the survivor and society, an ethical theory, and its relationship to Law, Society and Justice.
KANE-URRABAZO, C. (2007). Sexual harassment in the workplace: it is your problem. Journal Of Nursing Management, 15(6), 608-613. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2834.2007.00725.x
The only solution to tackling this situation is to speak up when this situation happens to someone. Encourage the victim of sexual harassment to come forward and report to proper authorities as soon as possible. The longer the victim waits, the less probability that it will be corrected. If there is someone out there that has been a victim of harassment, confront the person regarding the situation. Call for help and consult with your local HR representative or appropriate authority.