James M. Mcpherson's The Lincoln-Douglas Debates

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James M. McPherson's book called the Abraham Lincoln and the Second American Revolution supplied a reflecting on Lincoln executive power, liberty under the American constitution. James M. McPherson book is a collection of an essay which was previously published. In the book, McPherson stated that the Civil War brought about a more radical change in government and American society than did the 1776 revolution.These five documents that support the statement of McPherson civil war bringing more radical change in american society and government are in Eric Foner Voice of Freedom are Thomas Paine, Common Sense (1776), Washington’s Farewell Address, (1796 ), The Lincoln-Douglas Debates (1858) and Abraham Lincoln,The Gettysburg Address (1863) , lastly Thomas Jefferson on Race and Slavery (1781). McPherson justified …show more content…

He stated that war was revolutionary itself that why the president was revolutionary. McPherson stated the southern counterrevolution was a reaction to a revolution that was forthcoming with the triumph of the Republican party election in 1860. Part of this election was the debate one of article is The Lincoln-Douglas Debates 1858 in Voice of freedom by Eric Foner. This document is series of seven discussions held in 1858 between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas, Lincoln represented a Republican party and Douglas was the democratic party. The debates concerned the issue of slavery and expansion to Kansas. Lincoln opened his campaign in this debate by saying either slavery would spread to all territories or it will become to an extinction“A house divided against itself cannot stand" (Foner 2004, p.278). Lincoln also stated that it violated the purpose of declaration of independence that all men are created equal goes against what the founding father built this nation on. And diffraction of the race goes oppose to political and social

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