Jackson Vs Beowulf

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Epic heros are essential to literature. From the beginning of time pieces have contained epic heros and literature today still contains these dynamic characters. Beowulf and Percy Jackson are both good examples of epic heros. They both contain superhuman qualities, but they are different through their skills. Two completely different characters, but they also are alike.
Beowulf possesses many different epic hero traits throughout his story. He displays his super strength when he rips off Grendel’s arm in the original battle and hung it “the monster’s arm, claw, and shoulder and all” (516-517). Beowulf displays his ability to breathe underwater when he is on his way to fight Grendel’s mother. In the same battle he displays a special amount of strength when he rips the sword out of the wall to kill Grendel’s mother. Another trait Beowulf has that sets him apart from Percy is his boastfulness. He loves to talk about himself “My people have said, the wisest, most knowing and best of them, that my duty was to go to the Danes’ great king” (149-151). Beowulf is also a character known for his bravery. Beowulf knows that fighting Grendel is risking death “If my time will have come, There’ll be nothing to mourn over” (179-180). Generally Beowulf is a perfect example of an epic hero. …show more content…

He is well known for his bravery, selflessness, and loyalty to his friends. Percy Jackson originally goes on his quest to save his mother from Hades. He realizes that this quest to the underworld could very well be dangerous but he is willing to go anyways. This displays his bravery and selflessness. Another good example of his selflessness is when he is attacked by a monster he draws the attention to himself rather than his two friends with him. Percy very well could have died by facing the monster by himself but he stands his ground to protect his

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