J.K. Rowling: Her Success Story

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It’s hard to believe that a single and struggling mother changed her life by writing, but that’s exactly what J.K. Rowling did; not by luck, but by pure talent. She started writing when she was only 6, and from that moment, she knew she wanted to become a writer when she got older. She did not have a good childhood and was depressed, but this served as her inspiration for her famous Harry Potter books. Many things that are in the Harry Potter series actually came from her childhood; one character was even modeled after her. Rowling even admits that her mother’s painful death influenced her to write. She also created a lot of strong father figures in Harry Potter, and said that was because her father was not a very good one.
She eventually got married and had a child when she was 27. Sadly, it ended in divorce. She had to raise her child by herself while she was unemployed and they weren’t doing so well. Even after she completed writing Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (the first book in the series), she had trouble finding someone that would publish her book. But then he...

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