J.B. Priestley's An Inspector Calls

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J.B. Priestley's An Inspector Calls "An inspector calls" was written around 1944 and is set around 1912. Arthur Birling, used to show the capitalist view, is self-indulged and says; "A man has to look after himself" when they are talking about a community, showing he is selfish and only cares about his family and himself. He is also shown as a fool who thinks he knows everything about anything but clearly doesn't. When he talks about the "unsinkable Titanic" and that "there isn't a chance of war" shows he doesn't know much because there were two wars between the setting of the play and the date it was written, and the Titanic also sunk. When the family learn about the death of Eva, Mr Birling is the first to be questioned by the inspector. He resists questions from the inspector; "I can't think they can be of any great consequence." He also uses his authority to try and avoid interrogation; "Perhaps I'd ought to warn you [Chief Constable Colonel Roberts] is an old friend of mine" demonstrating his power and showing he is an upper class man. I don't think Eva Smiths death affected Mr Birling much because he didn't really know her. He does remember her as being a; "Lively, good looking girl… a good worker too… ready for promotion." But after the workers came back from holiday they went on strike for more money and because Mr Birling is selfish, he told her and a few others to; "clear out" because he is more interested in; "[keeping] labour costs down." He doesn't accept any responsibility because he was just doing what was best for the business. When the inspector has left and Gerald fathoms that the inspector was a hoax, Mr Birling his and his family's reputation stays as intact as it can. He shields the truth from Gerald so his parents, Sir George and Lady Croft, who are of higher status than the Birlings don't find out about the details of the night. When Sheila says; "Gerald might as well know," Birling hastily replies;

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