It's Time To Go To High School

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For years, I never thought I would have a niece that looks up to me. Until two years ago when my little niece was born. Everyday I come home to that little rascal begging for me to play with her. But, little does she know, she’s going to be facing a tough and difficult life like all of us. Life isn’t just Trolls and Moana, there are many rough patches. School is complex to your everyday life, friends are going to be a huge part in your daily routine, and I encourage you to join basketball.

Everyday I face the challenge of waking up, getting ready, and heading to school to start learning something new. When you first enter kindergarten, it will mainly be simple shapes and numbers, but once you get to Middle School, that all changes. You get two more classes added to your schedule and the things you learn start getting strenuous. Soon after all of those, you get even more classes once you hit the seventh grade. You get four more classes added and your recess time stops. School can be rough but, if you go through with your head held high I think you will do tremendous. …show more content…

Please pick the right people because you can get caught in a mess. Your aunt has chosen wrong friends a lot of times and that leads her to get heart broken and I don’t want that for you. People go around spreading things that shouldn’t be spread and that happens all the time. I want to give this advice because it is a crucial to your everyday life. They impact you a lot, like your own personality and your

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