Isaiah Research Paper

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Isaiah a great prophet seer and revelator.
Isaiah is the prophet who lived over 700 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. Isaiah is one the greatest prophets because he boldly, courageously, powerfully and eloquently testified of Jesus Christ and His work. Isaiah is often referred to as “The Messianic Prophet”, because of his many prophecies. Compared to any other prophets of Old Testament, Isaiah is one the most quoted of all the prophets in the scriptures. In the Book of Mormon, 3 Nephi 23: 1-3 Jesus Christ commands us to “Search these things diligently; for great are the words of Isaiah.” Jesus Christ approved the words of Isaiah to be great. It has been believed that Isaiah lived and preached during a very important time in the World’s history. At the time of Isaiah the there was a lot of iniquity among the children of God. The government was corrupt. The rich people lived in luxury and idleness while the poor suffered from lack of food and clothing.
Many other great prophets like Nephi, Paul, John …show more content…

A lot of his prophecies were fulfilled and are yet to be fulfilled. Some of the prophesies that Isaiah made about Christ are In the Old Testament Isaiah 7:14 Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah will be born of a virgin. This prophecy has been fulfilled in the New Testament in Luke 1:26-31 Christ was born of a virgin named Mary. Isaiah prophesied that Jesus Christ would be an heir to the throne of David. In Luke 1:32 it says that Jesus was given the throne of His father David. Jesus was born in the lineage of David. Isaiah in chapter 53:5 he has prophesied that “he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and which his stripes we are healed.” Here Isaiah was clearly talking about the atonement of the savior. He prophesied that Christ will make a blood atonement. It 1 peter 1:2 it says that the savior had shed his blood to atone for our

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