Is The American Dream Still Alive Today

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The American Dream... the words have been ingrained into us since very early in our lives. But what exactly is the American Dream? What does it mean to you? Is the American Dream still alive today? Are you living it?
The American Dream is rooted in the Declaration of Independence, The ethos today implies an opportunity for Americans to achieve prosperity through hard work. I know that hard work is built upon effort. In America, we can dream big and through hard work, we have the ability to make our dreams come true. It is our nation’s promise to each of its citizens. We are assured by our founding fathers that “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain …show more content…

Back before the Revolutionary War, people, in Europe were born into different social classes. Peasants could not aspire to nobility, and nobility was locked into behaviors that were consistent with their social class. When America was still part of the British empire, those social classes were not important, survival was. Our founding fathers recognized this and addressed these issues when writing the Constitution of the United States. The document says that poor people working hard can rise above their birth class and become merchants, ship captains or statesmen. A good example of this is our 16th president Abraham lincoln, He was born and raised in a small 1 room log cabin his family was incredibly poor, and to top that off his mother died from milk sickness. His father was murdered as well and he witnessed it. He was well taught, Mostly …show more content…

She lived with her father, It was good there. She was safe and was being educated, But when her mother took her she was sexually abused many times. She was hurt, But when given back to her father she was safe again she was okay.
The application of the American dream varies from person to person. People with the dream of becoming the next Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Ben Carson, or Barack Obama, have the opportunity to do so in America by the solemn pledge of America’s promises: the promise of economic wealth, the promise of fair enterprise, and the promise to pursue happiness without obstacles. Some people will only aspire to mediocrity and really if that's their dream so be it. But, it is those who strive above the rest that will change our

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