Is The American Dream Dead

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Here in America, we are told that everyone has an equal chance of being successful. Or is it a snare? Throughout the years, Americans have been struggling with the American Dream due to them not having equal opportunities as other people because of their class. So the question is: Is the American Dream dead? What is the American Dream? The American Dream is an opportunity for everyone to have their vision of success in America. Whether it’s being a doctor, lawyer, or big businessman, the list goes on. Every American citizen believes that The American Dream is a way to become what they want to be through hard work, determination, and initiative. But these visions were not promised to the ones who were born in low-classes. This means that if …show more content…

Instead, they are given the American Dream that they want. They are given jobs that don’t pay well, or they work hard with determination and they get the results that they don’t want. This is the true American Dream that people see. One thing people have mentioned when they were asked about the American dream is the wealth gap differences between white people vs other races. People who aren't colored are given a chance to earn a higher income when they get a job, or they are rich due to family background. Because they have more money, and higher. They are also more likely to be given the American Dream that everyone else wants. But from a peoples perspective, if you’re not white in America, you’re given the chance to have the dream that you were “promised.” Instead, everyone else that could give you the chance to have the dream looks down at you and the only dream that they have for you, is that you give up and have a downfall. A white person can average (900k-1 million) in their income due to the American dream. African Americans are only averaging 138k on their income. This is a huge difference in income due to skin color or because they weren’t given an equal opportunity as white people. People who are

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