Is Religion a Major Cause of Conflict or War between People?

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Is religion a major cause of war or/and a major cause of the conflict between people? A holy war is justified in the name of “God”. In Europe, during the 16th and 17th centuries, there were numerous wars caused by religious beliefs. For example, the Spanish Reconquista or the Christian Crusades are instances of religious warfare. The Crusades were wars that began with Christianity against the conquest impelled by the Muslims and their religious expansion. Religion has caused suffering and much immense pain. Friedrich Nietzsche believed Christianity is evil for the world. Bitterness, or ressentiment, is when one has repressed feelings and emotions. Our values play a big role. It reflects the way of life of each individual. Nietzsche, in reference to the slave morality, developed the concept of ressentiment. In the past, “nobles” determined “morality”. Then there was a revolt against these “morals”, where now the “common” determine morality. Nietzsche, states that we each live within our own perspective and that the goal of life is self-overcoming.
There are individuals who believe in the existence of “God”. They argue that it is towards our own self-interest for us to believe in his existence. By believing in his existence, there will be enormous compensations and rewards in the heavens. Many of these individuals have had religious experiences, outside of the ordinary, that proves to them that “God” exist. There are those that even claim “God” has had some sort of manifestation in their personal life. They enforce “values” as those that are with the guideline of that superior being. In the contrary of Nietzsche, these individuals believe that good conquers power. Moreover, these two words are entirely two different concepts. We...

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...Nietzsche expresses. Sin makes some individuals feel ashamed of their sexuality and discourages curiosity.
In Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Nietzsche talks about 3 transformations of the soul that are crucial in the self-overcoming of life: the camel, which is the beast of burden, the lion, and the child. Upon analysis, I must say that I concur with Nietzsche ideology. In life there is a constant struggle that we must overcome. It is crucial to embrace this struggle in order for us to reach a more powerful state of being. We must learn that in the stage of being a camel, we must accept this burden and search for discipline. Then as a lion asserts his dominance and freedom, we must do the same and break all ties. We must search for the truth and become skeptical. With the innocence of a child, we must become forgetful and seek a “new beginning” to become joyful of life.

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