There comes a time where a leader faces a challenge and has to change their attitude and personality to become a good leader. Even though a person feels uncomfortable becoming something they are not, there is the utmost respect because that leader displays an act of bravery, and gives others a chance for hope. In Lord of the Flies, William Golding helps identify the main character and leader, Ralph show the important aspects of bravery, order, and morality in being rational for others in difficult times.
Ralph portrays bravery as one of the decisive traits to acquire in order to become a good leader. From the beginning of the novel, Ralph’s first reaction, after being stranded on the island was to call out for others. “Ralphed continued to blow [the conch] till voices shouted in the forest… Signs of life were now visible on the beach.” After finding Piggy right beside him, an abundant amount of kids came to the beach, where the conch was heard. The children then gazed their eyes to the man that blew the shell, waiting for their next step. Ralph knew that he was now in a position of a leader. Having other people rely on a person for a difficult challenge in life does not come easy. Especially for a child to be chosen as a person to rely on a difficult task shows great strength of bravery. Survival and civilization play the biggest role on the island, and the children chose Ralph to lead them through it.
As Ralph is chosen a brave role on the island, he has to maintain a good system of order and civilization on the island. His first system of order is to use the conch as a way to order assemblies, and decide as a group what would be best on the island. In one of the first assemblies, Ralph suggests that the children create a fire,...
... middle of paper ... what he wants. Sadly, Jack only wants violence and immorality. When all the boys try to kill Ralph for not obeying the “new chief”, they are all stopped by a British officer that saw the conflagration made on the island. From the instant the captain said, “What have you been doing? Having a war or something?” all the boys wept with tears, realizing the horrors and mistakes they’ve made. But unfortunately it was too late to change the past. They could only move forward, holding onto the past they wish to forget.
In conclusion, William Golding gives Ralph the important qualities of bravery, order, and morality in order to become a good leader in challenging times. Ralph set the model that in any situation, good defeats evil. The best way to fight dark times is to find the light at the end of the tunnel, and replace the memories of horror, to the memories of joy.
In “Stop Worrying About Guns in the Classroom. They’re Already here.” the author, Erik Gilbert, argues in favor of the law allowing the concealed carry of firearms in college campuses. Gilbert claims that it’s futile to be “worried by the prospect of having guns in [the] classroom” because he believes that even before the bill was passed, some students and faculty were already carrying firearms to campus (Gilbert). Furthermore, he insinuates that despite the presence of firearms, there were no incidents of student or faculty causing harm. To support his argument, the author provides incidents which have occurred over the last decade at his campus, such as accidental discharge of guns in dorms, firearms in student’s vehicles, and one faculty member who was discovered to be in possession of a gun in an on-campus facility. Considering these incidents and previous knowledge of “prevailing regional attitudes towards guns”, the author assumes that significant numbers of students, and possibly faculty, bring guns on campus regularly (Gilbert). As for those who are afraid due to the new law, he declares to them that firearm permit-holders are not dangerous by comparing the rate of their crimes to that of police officers. He also reasons that permit holders need to be at least 21 to qualify—claiming that the more mature students qualify—and have background checks performed.
In William Golding's, “Lord of the Flies”, all the young boys depict one of the Kiersey Temperaments as they conform to what they believe are the islands expectations. There are four different personality types: the Guardian, Idealist, Rationalist, and Artisian. Ralph is the young boy in this novel that portrays a Guardian the uttermost, through his responsibility, common sense and charisma.
eventually turns the boys into frenzied savages, undaunted by the barbaric orders he decrees. The boys focus more and more on hunting and exploring, neglecting their primary objective: returning home to their families and civilization. The island boys experience manipulation, intimidation, and brutality while under Jack’s authority, revealing that the impact on those under reckless control can prove to be extremely harsh and
Ralph shows that he has a better understanding of the boys than Jack. He knows that the boys need some sort of order on the island in order for them to survive. He starts a simple form of government and sets a few rules for them. Even though they don’t last very long, the fact that he tried to help the group is what makes him a better leader. Ralph’s wisdom and ability to look toward the future also has an advantage over Jack. He has a sense to keep his focus on getting off the island. When the fire goes out, Ralph gets upset because the chance to be rescued was gone as well. Ralph enforces his role of leadership as he gives the boys a sense of stability of an authority figure. He keeps the boys in pretty good order at the meeting by making a rule that they can only speak if they have the conch. Ralph knows that the littleuns are afraid and they need shelter to feel more secure. They work together for a while, but as the time goes on the smaller boys want to go play. They slowly lose all their help until Simon and Ralph are the only ones left to work on them. Ralph knows that this is a necessity and keeps bringing it up at the meetings. Jack, on the other hand, is doing nothing but causing chaos.
There are many aspects that determine how humans behave around one another. This is shown throughout William Golding’s novel, Lord of the Flies. This book is about a group of British boys that are stranded on an island without any adults due to a plane crash. At first, all goes well; the boys cooperate in attempting to maintain the fire signal, gather food and making shelters. However, human nature takes over and their democracy that they have created fails. This leads to the majority of the boys becoming complete savages when the evil within them takes over. Different qualities help determine whether a person is a good or a bad leader. Although, Piggy and Jack have some leadership qualities, Ralph is the best leader.
Throughout William Golding's novel Lord of the Flies there is an ever-present conflict between two characters. Ralph's character combines common sense with a strong desire for civilized life. Jack, however, is an antagonist with savage instincts, which he cannot control. Ralph's goals to achieve a team unit with organization are destroyed by Jack's actions and words that are openly displayed to the boys. The two leaders try to convince the boys that their way of survival is correct.
Gun-control laws are a very controversial topic right now in the U.S., especially when it comes to allowing concealed-carry holders on college campuses. Nevertheless, guns should be permitted for concealed carry on college campuses if the carriers have concealed-carry licenses because mass shootings occur mostly in gun-free zones. There have been many incidents in which concealed-carry holders have disarmed attackers, and concealed-carry holders are overwhelmingly law-abiding citizens. However, the argument’s opponents believe guns should not be allowed on college campuses for various reasons, including: professors might be afraid to issue bad grades, a gun may go off by accident, college
While the boys are under Jack's control, they quickly went back into how they started when they first got there. However, Ralph was able to keep the boys under control by holding meetings. At the meetings, a sense of order is instilled because the boys are not allowed to speak unless they have the conch shell. "I'll give the conch to the next person to speak. He can hold it when he's speaking." (p. 31) By making this rule, he gains respect from the boys and becomes for confident as a leader. Ralph uses his power to tries to make the boys better people. He shows his by building them shelters. "They talk and scream. The littuns. Even some of the others." (p. 53) Ralph is saying that the boys need the shelters because they are afraid and the shelters will help the boys feel more secure. This shows he has better knowledge of people making him a better leader than Jack who does not understand this. Jack does not realize that the boys need to feel secure and need someone in control.
College campuses are more dangerous than ever because of the past decade; guns have not only been manufactured in excess, but availability and ease of accessibility. According to James Cool (2008), a supporter of guns on campus, reasoned why the increase of weapons occurred recently; “Our nation was founded … during the same time that modern firearms were invented and became readily available due to the Industr...
Over the past few years, campus police around the country have been given the responsibility of holstering a firearm. This has mainly been because of the increase in shootings at universities and schools, such as Virginia Tech and Sandy Hook Elementary. The possible danger of campuses being attacked by hostile individuals is a very high priority to school boards and universities. They do not want their students harmed, injured, or feeling unsafe around campus in any way. Because of this, measures have been taken to create a safer campus environment. Some of the methods include keeping the university aware of potential threats, informing them of the university’s safety decisions, and having safety services constantly available. One major safety decision that was discussed around universities, particularly the University of Rhode Island, was the option to arm campus police.
Some people own a gun for their own safety. Yet, one of the things they can rely on for protection and defense may jeopardize many lives around them. A college campus is very populated which may increase the likelihood of a gun theft, and could fall into the wrong hands. Campuses provide security who are always ready and prepared for any danger, meaning it is avoidable for anyone other than them to carry weapons. Concealed carry is not appropriate on college campuses because nor is it only unnecessary, but may also result in a situation that can quickly escalate, creating a greater chance of causing more harm than not carrying a concealed weapon.
Recently, state legislators and court rulings have made it possible for students on certain college campuses to carry concealed weapons. This is due in part to the shootings that have happened over the years and the increasing threat of unknown enemies. However, the issue has come into question and concern on college campuses. Some argue that guns on campus should be a choice left up to the individual, after all it is their 2nd Amendment right. Others would say that college campuses are a place of learning, a place that does not require firearms at all. Lastly, there are those who say that stricter gun laws would prevent crimes and shootings.
Allowing guns to be carried at all times around college campuses may cause a student, teacher or other official to assume that a person could be a threat and therefore firing at an unarmed person causing that individual to not only be losing their education but to be put on trial for a murder they didn’t mean to commit. Those individuals who shoot first without understanding of the situation could cause more harm to the college and their surrounds than necessary. This could possibly lead to a loss of students and
As you know some colleges have allowed students to carry guns on campus. But that can be a bad thing in a lot of ways. It could be dangerous. It could even kill people. So keep the guns off school campus because they can do more harm than good.
With increasing tensions amount Students about what they would do in case of a campus shooting many would like to be able to carry concealed weapons giving way to greater peace of mind. "Other students say being able to have a gun could prevent assaults and robberies on campus, and keep students safer if a