Is Race A Social Construction And Not A Biological Reality?

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Elvis Lumnica ANT Course Number 4503 Writing Assignment #1 Anthropologists argue that race is a social construct and not a biological reality. Race and ethnicity are two different subjects that happen to be misunderstood and used as two terms of the same meaning. The definition of race and ethnicity is related to biological a sociological factors respectively. Race refers to a person’s physical appearance, such as skin color, eye color, hair color, bone/jaw structure, facial features, etc. Ethnicity on the other hand, relates to cultural factors such as nationality, culture ancestry, language and beliefs. The anthropologist Jason Antrosio wrote that he usually avoids phrases like “race is a social construction” or “gender is a social construction.” These phrases seem to be just shortcuts Race refers to a person’s physical appearance, such as skin color, eye color, hair color, bone/jaw structure, facial features, etc. Ethnicity on the other hand, relates to cultural factors such as nationality, culture ancestry, language and beliefs. . Race refers to a person’s physical appearance, such as skin color, eye color, hair color, bone/jaw structure, facial features, etc. Jason Antrosio states that race is a social construction and that it draws attention to how the social, legal, political categories are used to define “race” within society. In America, the perception of racial and ethnic groups is all determined by the media we use. Media reinforces stereo types of ethnic groups and races and overall determines the way we classify individuals talents, likes and dislikes, and personality just by what we see and hear when that is totally not the case. Ethnicity gives us the ability to change because we can reject our own ethnicity and embrace another. Your race is something is biological and cannot be changed. You can change your ethnicity by traveling and taking in other

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