Is Juliet To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Deaths?

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Are Romeo and Juliet to blame for their deaths? Romeo and Juliet are two star crossed lovers that come from families that hate each other and have ben in a dispute for many generations. Juliet's parents want her to marry a man named paris but Juliet wants to marry her “true love” romeo. After working hard to be togeather then end up both dieing. I believe that romeo and juliet are to blame for their deaths. I believe this because the teenage brain is not fully developed at all. It still as a lot of growing to do. The teenage brain makes rash decisions often made without thinking of the outcome. In the article “The Teenage Brain” Jenson, the writer makes a statement of how her son died his hair black and no longer did well in school. This is important because it shows that the brain changes its mind without really thinking of what it is doing. Also Romeo and Juliet got married within five days of meeting (Act 2 Scene 2 lines 170-205). In the article young adult development they say that the teenage brain is always making new ideas. This is important because it is trying to find who you are so there is a chance that Romeo and Juliet where just trying to find who they were and there brains wanted to try that new idea. The teenage brain is not fully developed. The brain is not …show more content…

According to Kevin maillard the age of consent is set because the brain is not developed enough to understand what your are doing. This brings use to the next point of Juliet only being about 13 years old (Act 1 Scene 2 line 10). Also in Jensen’s article she talks about how a teenage mind is easy addicted to substances. So it is possible that the two star crossed lovers were addicted to each other and addicted to knowing that they couldn't be together. This proves that a teenage brain and a adult brain are not the same in maturity. So they should not be making adult

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