Is Ethical Egoism A Good Moral Theory

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Ethical Egoism is defined as “The theory that the right action is the one that advances one’s own best interests. One’s only moral duty is to promote the most favorable balance of good over evil for oneself. Each person must put his or her own welfare first”. (Lecture notes) Is ethical egoism a good moral theory? I believe that being ethical egoism fails as moral theory because it’s important to have self-interest before having interest in others. Ethical egoism is logically inconsistent because this theory can be proved in diverse ways. An example of this would be if an ethical egoist recommended both Jack and Nick for a promotion at their job and each of their duties was to do what is in their own self-interest. So, for Jack to protect his …show more content…

If we’re not looking out for ourselves, who is?” (Vaughn, 78) The best approach to promote the good comes from allowing individuals to pursue their own self-interest. As individuals enchant their urgent needs they unintentionally benefit the society through an invisible hand, all persons are better off if each follows their own interest. People tend to confuse the distinction between selfish and self-interest. Vaughn states that being selfish “acts performed regardless of how others are affected. Welfare of others simply not part of the equation.” Vaughn also states that self-interest “acts the promote one’s interest but not necessarily to the detriment of others. Welfare of others part of the equation insofar as you are thinking about whether that welfare hurts or advances one’s self …show more content…

I never suggest a resolution between conflicting interest, but people are inspired to serve their interest. Without moral obligation to bargain or sacrifice for another, radical egoists will never have a familiar establishment. Unlike egoism, altruism precepts the need to sacrifice an individual’s good for the benefit of other people. Having a relationship under ethical egoism would most likely be unhealthy and here’s why. Imagine having a friend who will only spend time with you after all his/her wants are met first? This would allow you and your friend to devote time together doing something that is more likely in their interest and not each other’s interest. Usually, a relationship like this would not last long because people won’t settle to do things that interest one person and not both. With this kind of theory, no one would truly be concerned what other people think of them, as personal importance would be the reason for every decision and action. Though there are times when the care of others is points out in society, it would always be a last option decision, rather than a

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