Is Astral Travel Is Pseudoscience: What Is Pseudoscience?

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When it comes to the topic of Pseudoscience everyone has an opinion, however not everyone clearly understands exactly what this entails. Pseudoscience can be defined as a classification of philosophies, assumptions, and procedures inaccurately regarded as scientific. Some examples include visiting a Psychic Medium, aromatherapy, astronomy, and hypnosis and conversion therapy. Although these methods may prove to yield some results, they are not scientifically founded. This is why I decided to examine if Astral Travel is Pseudoscience.

What is Astral Travel?
Astral Travel can be defined as the act of extrication the astral body, also known as the spirit or consciousness, from worldly or physical body and its passage into the universe.
Lara was sleeping when she heard someone calling her name. At first she thought it was a dream, but the voice continued to call her. She followed the voice to the window, which is when she realized that she is no longer in her body. She was transported to a different plane where she spoke to two of her soul guides. They told her about her past lives and that she was a Starseed who sacrificed herself to be reincarnated on Earth in order to help the benevolent races like Pleidadians fight the war against the Reptilians. During her travel’s they showed her the planet where was originally from and they made contact with her to remind her of what she had to do. Lara further explained that before her experience she had no idea what astral travel was and had never heard of any of the subjects they had spoken about before, but once she awoke in her bed they were confirmed by research.
Erin Pavlina’s first experience was not as pleasant as Lara’s. Erin explained that during her first astral travel experience she was alone in her room when she felt a strange vibrating sensation. She then heard three voices in her room as her spirit started to leave her body. She felt panicked and afraid because of the others in the room and struggled with them as they tried to pull her out of her physical body, which she had won. Erin later came to the conclusion that the others in the room were evil
During her time in the fMRI the individual remained conscious of her physical body although she was able to see herself from outside her body while rotating in the air and moving along the horizontal plane. By reviewing the images Smith and Messier found that the visual cortex was deactivated and the majority of the activation in the brain was in the left hemisphere and included the supplementary motor area and supramarginal and posterior superior temporal gyri which had previously been shown to be associated with out of body experiences. The impression of movement is caused by the cerebellum which is activated during the extra- corporeal-experience which denotes an infrequent type of kinesthetic metaphors (Smith et al, 2014). The results of this study indicates that the feeling of leaving the body or having an out of body experience is created by the activities in the brain which is why the person feels as though they are experiencing movement. Thus, by analyzing the brain scans researchers were able to determine that is not indeed the soul or spirit leaving the body, but rather it is an induced state which is taking place in the

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