Argument In Support Of Renee Descartes Interactive Theory Of Mind And Body Dualism

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An Argument in Support of Renee Descartes Interactive Theory of Mind/Body Dualism

This philosophical study will support the theory of interactive mind/body dualism in the writings of Renee Descartes. The distinction between the energy of the mind is typically separated from the function of the body, yet Descartes found that they interacted to form thoughts. Descartes’ theory of dualism also defines how the mind can generate thoughts through the bodily function of the brain. In this context, Descartes found that the pineal gland was an example of a bodily organ, which could transmute the pneuma (aka. the spirit) to generate a thought through the mind. This type of mind and body interaction successfully defines Descartes dualism in the development of the thought process. The pineal gland supports the contention that the brain must work in conjunction with the mind I the formation of human consciousness. In essence, Descartes’ interactive dualism defines the cooperative operations of the brain and the mind that work to form thoughts through the pineal gland and the pneuma. Renee Descartes defines the …show more content…

However, the primary energy for this type of interactive neurological function is always formed under the authority of God as the Creator. In this context, the flow of the soul/spirits is created by God, which then allows the brain to receive this energy through the pineal gland (brown, 2006, p.37). This is an important argument that shows the duality of God’s omnipotence and the soul’s energy as it flows into the brain and creates the mind. These are the vital characteristics of interactive dualism of the mind and body that occur in the brain of a human being. This type of interactive dualism defines a sensible aspect of brain function and the mysterious “energy” of the soul/spirit that enters the mind and forms a

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