Iran Hostage Crisis Essay

540 Words2 Pages

Samantha Velasquez
Mrs. Morgan
History 8
April 23rd, 2014
Iranian Hostage Crisis Outline
· I Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi who came to receive the throne from his father who abdicated the throne. The Iranian Hostage Crisis started with US and Iran’s relationship and the beginning of Pahlavi’s dictatorship.

Thesis Statement: I want to show Iran’s dramatic change of regimes and the way its people were treated starting with Pahlavi’s authoritarian rule. I also want to discuss the turbulant realtionship bewteen Iran and the United States, and how this all makes the Iran Hostage Crisis.

A. How the United States was a proponent of Iran’s change
B. Who was Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadeigh and why he was planning to move Iran closer to
Moscow is important in The Shah’s part
C. Why the CIA rid Mossadeigh of his power.
D. Pahlavi’s authoritarian rule that started due to blind obedience to authority.
E. Why American intervention in Iran’s regime angered its people
F. How The Shah became this dictator of random actions, and what wa...

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