Investigation of the Effect of Temperature on the Rate of a Lipase Reaction

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Investigation of the Effect of Temperature on the Rate of a Lipase Reaction

I am going to look at the effect of temperature on the rate of a

Lipase Reaction, and to look at this I will be changing the

temperature variable. In order to measure this, I will be doing the

following practical:

1) Add 5cm³ of milk and 1cm³ of Lipase solution at different


2) Then I will measure the reaction every 30 seconds, from 30 seconds

to 2 minutes with a pH probe (as lipase breaks down into fatty acids)

to test the strength of the acid produced. This will show how well the

enzyme has worked and a pattern should emerge in my results relating

the temperature to the strength of the acid. The stronger the acid,

the better the enzyme has worked. This will be shown in my results as

the more under a pH of 7 the final pH is, the better the enzyme has

worked during the reaction at a certain temperature. For example, a

final pH of 6.1 and a final pH of 7.3 shows that the first pH is

stronger and therefore more acid has been produced as the lipase have

broken down into fatty acids.

I will be using a range of temperatures at which to add the milk and

lipase. This should ensure that I get a fair result as I am using a

range of high and low temperatures from which to compare. I will get

readings at 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60°C from which a trend should show. I

shall repeat the experiment 3 times, and then take average results to

ensure the most reliable results possible.

Temperature (°C)

Lipase Amount (cm³)

Milk Amount (cm³)
















I will use a pH probe to test the pH of the acid produced.

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