Intimate Communication In Relationships Essay

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Intimate relationships can be some of the most fulfilling experiences, while at the same time some of the scariest. Having been in a long term intimate relationship for over 15 years with the same man, this topic is something that I have had to deal with multiple times throughout our relationships at all the different stages all while trying to stay in love. When you are with someone for a long period of time you can become comfortable, and with comfortability can come staleness. Often time’s people lose their passion, their connection and intimacy which they once had. Throughout this paper I am going to be touching on the topic of the different stages within one's relationships, and going over the topics that can possibly save not only yourself, …show more content…

“Intimate communication entails partners fully listening to one another and asking clarifying questions that allow them to know each other more deeply. Successfully intimate partners are also able state their own feelings and thoughts, even when those differ from their partner’s. Being open also is associated with sharing power in a relationship.” (Wiley) Telling your partner what you expect or how to be pleased needs to be done with good communication, and trust. If you want to stay in love with your partner communication is going to have to be one of your top …show more content…

Romantic passion encompasses that powerful inclination you might have to be close to a loved one, the strong attraction to, infatuation with, and desire to be with your partner. It is the force that compels you to be near your partner and the motivational pull responsible for the feeling of missing that comes from being away from him or her. Passion includes sexual desire, but it’s more than that. Accordingly, to Sternberg, “passion involves a longing for someone, which can be inclusive of sexual desire, but can also describe the emotions involved in the powerful

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