Interview and Chatting with August Rodin

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Good morning Mr. Rodin! August: Good morning! Interviewer: I’m so excited to be able to conduct this interview with you and find out “what makes Rodin.” Okay let’s get started with one of your pride and joy sculptures and also my personal favorite “The Kiss.” This work shows the passion that can be shared between a male and female, and because this work is so life like its almost as though you can feel this passion being shared as well. The detail and texture that you put into creating the body of the female and male is magnificent. What I want to know is where or what did you get your inspiration from for this masterpiece? August: This embracing couple portrays the the 13th century Italian Noblewoman Francesca da Rimini from Dante’s Inferno, who falls in love with her husbands little brother Paolo. The couples secret is discovered and the enraged husband kills both his brother Paolo and wife Francesca. As you can see in this sculpture the lover’s lips never actually meet. I included this fact to represent that they were interrupted and met their fate without ever actually kissing. Interviewer: Wow thats a beautiful yet tragic story to get your inspiration from, but that makes this piece so much more intriguing knowing this background information! The next question I have for you is that I’m sure most artist have a work that wasn't their particular favorite. There can be various reasons as to why this work wasn't their favorite. For example, maybe there was a time limit imposed on a work and the artist wished they could of spent more time on details. I guess what I'm getting at is what was your least favorite work that you created. August: Well, I wouldn't say that I have created something I absolutely hate, but my first major wor...

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... The art that you create shows the beauty and detail of the human body, but what are you really trying to convey with all the artwork you have created? August: My style was developed completely on my own without any training. Without strict training I developed a much freer and more emotional style that people love! My message would be to follow what you are passionate about no matter what or you won't be happy with your life. I learned that the hard way. Interviewer: Thats a very meaningful message that people tend to forget. Okay Mr. Rodin I have one final question for you!

Works Cited

The Real Rodin by Eric Gibson, 2003. Pages 37-39 (Print)

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