Interventions for Sickle Cell Anemia Treatment

669 Words2 Pages

Case Study

Sickle Cell Anemia is an autosomal recessive disorder, which increases blood thickness hence affects the smooth flow of blood. This causes by the destruction of red cells where the normal shape of red cell become a stiff sickle shape. As a result, sufficient oxygen does not reach the vital organs. A vaso-occlusive crisis arises from hindrance of blood circulation by sickled blood cells. It is characterized by sturdy pains and in some cases; it may cause permanent organ damage. This paper seeks to formulate a nursing diagnosis, as well as a plan of care that includes nursing interventions and the methods to be used to evaluate whether the interventions are successful (American Sickle Cell Anemia Association).

Nursing diagnosis is a clinical assessment of health problems experienced by a family or an individual and their response to this health problem. It helps in determination of interventions that are to be put in place so as to realize the desired outcome. This diagnosis enables the nurse to come up with a care plan for the patient (National institute of health, 2002).

In this case the nursing diagnosis is probable sickle cell crisis and the possibility of shift in self perception linked to the notion of being different from peers.

Outlined herein, are some of the interventions with their rationale and outcomes.

First, Maya and the family should be encouraged and helped to alternate the intervals of resting and activity. The rationale is that, this will help their bodies to reduce the demand for oxygen and also reduce hypoxia level. Maya should also be assisted in deep breath taking movements and mild body turning exercises. Rationale: this promotes best chest expansion, which boosts the circulation of secre...

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...nt of patients with sickle cell anemia. However, the choice of interventions should be done carefully so as to realize the desired outcome otherwise it may not be successful. Key among the innervations listed here, is counseling. This may help the patients to have hope and this may aid in the quick recovery.

Works Cited

American Sickle Cell Anemia Association. Research. Retrieved from

Hockenberry, M.J., & Wilson, D. (8th.ed). (2007). Wong's Nursing Care of Infants and Children(8th.ed).New York: Mosby publishing group.

National institute of health. (2002). The Management of Sickle Cell Disease. Retrieved from

Sickle Cell Disease Association of America. Research and screening. Retrieved from

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