International Human Resource Management In Mnc Case Study

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Globalization has changed business scenario, has increased competition among companies and countries. Globalisation has helped industries to grow and also helped in the economic development of many countries. Globalisation stimulated the growth of Multi-National Companies (MNCs) and helped them to spread their operations without any boundaries. This resulted in large number of MNCs, which in turn made Human Resource Management (HRM) as one of the most sought functions in all MNCs. The role of HRM in MNCs. Multi-National Companies (MNCs) are large corporations which have at least two business units in another country. These companies have offices in different countries and a centralized global office, which controls all other offices. Nike, Coco-Cola, Wal-Mart, Mc Donald’s etc are some of the famous MNCs. MNCs while setting up of offices in different countries have recognised the strategic importance of Human Resource Management(HRM) functions, as HRM plays a vital role in shaping and controlling the international operations. …show more content…

International Human Resource Management (IHRM) has gained more attention due to the increase in number and competition among MNCs. IHRM focuses on policies and regulations and looks into all aspects of HRM in MNC’s while setting up of an MNC in a different country. The study of IHRM helps in international career and knowledge management and framing of international policies. The cultures and business systems are different within and between Asia, Europe and America. Hence IHRM has a vital role in understanding these institutional as well as cultural differences while framing the policies and practices for

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