Insecure Attachment Essay

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To what extent do insecure attachments in infancy and early childhood matter for later development?
Attachment focuses on a bond that happens between a mother and the infant, the tie is both social and emotional (Martin, Carlson and Buskist, 2013). Attachments are formed between many people and categorised depending on that relationship. For example, family members, The first attachment formed for an infant is usually between their mother or their primary giver and research would suggest it is this attachment which shapes any future attachments the child goes on to have. Attachments are formed through the stages of an infant’s development, usually within a critical period of six to twelve months, according to John Bowlby (Berryman;,J.C., et al. 2002). If the attachment is incorrectly formed, i.e. the mother or primary caregiver does not meet the needs of the infant then the attachment may not be formed properly which can resultantly cause future attachment problems. Problems caused in the future could include anxiety and depression, …show more content…

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