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Impact of attachment at developmental stages
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The role of attachment in infancy
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Infant Attachment
There has been many studies today on the attachment that an infant has with its parents’ and surrounding objects. Once an infant has become familiar with any given object or any human, they tend to keep close in range. When that object or human is taken away from the infant they may begin to feel uncomfortable and it may throw the child off causing it to become confused and irritable.
The main purpose of the studies is to show the close relationship and bond that a child has between itself and something else. Researchers wanted to explain that a child can become accustomed to a particular surrounding in which they get attached to and may cause their attitude to change when the object is tampered with. The study refers to infants interacting with other humans, objects, or even in different situations and surroundings.
During one study (developmental Psychology/yahoo/unknown author) the researchers used monkeys to obtain their information for some of the research. They gave different kinds of monkeys blankets to see how they would react with them in different situations. They also performed a test called the “strange situation test”, which they placed the mother and the infant in an unusual setting to record the behavior of the infant. They came upon the conclusion that the way an infant reacts depends upon how and where they were raised, gender and also from what they...
According to Klaus and Kennell, there are specific events, including skin-to-skin contact between mother and infant that must occur directly following the birth of a primate infant. This maximizes the chances of survival for the newborn not only because their mother is a source of food, but also because they will learn the culture they need to be successful in their environment. In the study, Klaus and Kennell test how much time a baby spends crying when they are separated from their mother. They concluded the increased time in babies that were separated was due to the anxiety that separation caused. The difficulty in this is that the cause of the baby’s distress is subjective. Also the notion of critical period proposed that the bonds and lessons taught during that time could not be developed later.
First, the American government made reservations to separate American settlers and Native Americans in an effort to acquire more land from the Indians and hopefully try to stop conflict. Unfortunately for the Native Americans by the late 1800’s settlers were
Towards the development of the United States of America there has always been a question of the placement of the Native Americans in society. Throughout time, the Natives have been treated differently like an individual nation granted free by the U.S. as equal U.S. citizens, yet not treated as equal. In 1783 when the U.S. gained their independence from Great Britain not only did they gain land from the Appalachian Mountains but conflict over the Indian policy and what their choice was to do with them and their land was in effect. All the way from the first presidents of the U.S. to later in the late 19th century the treatment of the Natives has always been changing. The Native Americans have always been treated like different beings, or savages, and have always been tricked to signing false treaties accompanying the loss of their homes and even death happened amongst tribes. In the period of the late 19th century, The U.S. government was becoming more and more unbeatable making the Natives move by force and sign false treaties. This did not account for the seizing of land the government imposed at any given time (Boxer 2009).
Beginning in the 1860s and lasting until the late 1780s, government policy towards Native Americans was aggressive and expressed zero tolerance for their presence in the West. In the last 1850s, tribal leaders and Americans were briefly able to compromise on living situations and land arrangements. Noncompliance by Americans, however, resumed conflict. The beginning of what would be called the "Indian Wars" started in Minnesota in 1862. Sioux, angered by the loss of much of their land, killed 5 white Americans. What resulted was over 1,000 deaths, of white and Native Americans. From that point on, American policy was to force Indians off of their land. American troops would force Indian tribe leaders to accept treaties taking their land from them. Protests or resistance by the Indians would result in fighting. On occasion, military troops would even lash out against peaceful Indians. Their aggression became out of control.
The attachment process plays a crucial role in a child’s development and their future impact on society According to Dr Suzanne Zeedyk. Children can’t feel relaxed and safe with the adults & children in the nursery until they get to know them. If there’s a lack of affection towards a child they may be reluctant to take advantage of all the learning opportunities because of their anxiety. We now know that relationships literally shape the neural connections in young children’s brains. This means everything that happens or doesn’t happen for the child will leaves a physiological trace in their growing brain. According to Dr Suzanne
Infant attachment is the first relationship a child experiences and is crucial to the child’s survival (BOOK). A mother’s response to her child will yield either a secure bond or insecurity with the infant. Parents who respond “more sensitively and responsively to the child’s distress” establish a secure bond faster than “parents of insecure children”. (Attachment and Emotion, page 475) The quality of the attachment has “profound implications for the child’s feelings of security and capacity to form trusting relationships” (Book). Simply stated, a positive early attachment will likely yield positive physical, socio-emotional, and cognitive development for the child. (BOOK)
Attachment patterns of a child are developed by the use of strange situation protocol where the attachment of a child is assessed between 12 months and 20 months of the child development. This procedure is not clinical and is used only to supplement the clinical diagnosis procedure called Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD), which will be discussed at a later stage of this essay. In the strange situation protocol, a child, and the caregiver are put in an environment with varying conditions and the attachment behaviour of the child is observed. Through this protocol there are there organized attachment categories, which are observed in a child, which include secure attachment, avoidant/attachment and resistant/
Firstly, there is the secure attachment style. According to Feldman (2013), infants who exhibit this style in strange situation experiments were securely attached to their mother and feel comfortable around her. They occasionally explore the room but tend to return to their mother often and feel distressed in the absence of her. When she returns, the infants seek comfort and close bodily contact with her (Prior and Glaser, 2006). The next attachment style is the insecure-avoidant attachment. Insecure-avoidant infants explore more frequently than securely attached infants in strange situation experiments. Also, they tend to show minimal response when separated from their mother and even show avoidant behaviour towards her such as averting her gaze. When picked up, the infants are not clingy and do not resist release (ibid.). Moreover, there is the ambivalent attachment style where infants who exhibit this style display immediate distress and anxiety when separation from their mother occurs. However, they show ambivalent behaviour, meaning both contact-resisting and contact-seeking behaviour towards their mother when she returns (ibid.). For example, they might combine kicking and hitting while clinging on to her. Then, there is the disorganized attachment style. According to D. Shemmings and Y. Shemmings (2011), infants who acted strangely and oddly during strange situation experiments were categorized under this attachment style. Some of these infants would move towards their mother then suddenly stop moving for a few seconds. There were also infants in this category who would move towards their mother while holding their hands up in front of their faces as if they were shielding themselves from something (ibid.). These infants showed inconsistent behaviour which contradicts the behaviour of other infants
Attachment is one of the most important aspects of the relationship between one person and another in ensuring secure and trusting bond. It is very important in all stages of life for it greatly impacts on relationship formation, self-identity and confidence. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to outline those impacts in infants, childhood and adulthood.
The main objective of stability training is to increase your muscular endurance and of your stability, while at the same time developing better communication between your nervous system and muscles.
Strength training needs to be done at least 2 or 3 times a week to help build strong muscles and bones. The more muscle a person has the ...
“Ainsworth and Witting (1969) devised the strange situation to be able to test the nature of attachment systematically” Cardwell, M. et.al (2000). They found three attachment types, secure attachment, insecure-avoidant and insecure –resistant. They found that the different attachments had different effects on a child’s behaviour. Bowlby’s theory talks about having a secure base which allows a child to explore its environment.... ...
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Attachment is the continuing and lasting relationships that children form with adults. Attachment refers to how secure the child feels in the company of a particular adult, which is the key in forming secure relationships in the future. (Wittmer, 2011) Attachment typically begins in the child’s first year of life through repeated interactions between the baby and the caregiver. When the caregiver responds appropriately to the baby cues, such as a cry or a smile, the baby learns to trust the caregiver that his needs will be provided, and the baby develops a sense of security. (Erickson, n.d)
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