Informative Speech: Why Drug Use has Fallen

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Informative Speech: Why Drug Use has Fallen

After listening to my speech today, you will understand and gain

knowledge why drug use has fallen among our nation's children.

I. Intro


A. The annual study on drug use among young Americans complied

by Pride Survey, a non-profit, by-partisan group that surveys

over 100,000 students from 6th to 12th grade has shown that

drug use has fallen to the lowest level in 8 years.

B. After researching the study, it attributes the drop to be

associated to three main reasons:

1. Refocus on family

2. The involvement of Parents and Teachers

3. Community help and Services

II. Body


A. Refocus on Family

1. Survey Author, Thomas Gleaton states, "Following the 9/11 attack,

it seems that American's have refocused on family, community,

spirituality and nation."

2. John P. Walters, director of National Drug Control Policy also

comments, " The attack sent shock waves through our nation's schools

just as kids were beginning the school year. The survey suggests that

young Americans may be taking their lives and communities more

seriously by saying no to drugs."

B. Involvement of Parents and Teachers

1. More parents have become "hands-on" parents. Meaning that they are

more involved with their children by:

a. Impose curfews

b. Regular chores and responsibilities

c. Expectation of behaviors

2. Statistics show that teens with "hands-on" parents are ¼ as likely

to get involved with drugs as are teens with "hands-off" parents.

3. Education of parents and teachers has made it possible to open up

communications with children.

C. Community Support

1. Mentors


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