Informative Essay On The Holocaust

1337 Words3 Pages

Rebecca King


Language Arts/ Social Studies

March 11, 2015


Have you ever thought about the horrors of the Holocaust and what it was like? The Holocaust started when Adolf Hitler came to power and convinced people to hate Jews. Jews had been treated poorly even before the Holocaust, but they had never been murdered out of pure hatred. Before Hitler came to power he pushed anti- semitism into Germany. As Hitler’s hatred for the Jews spread citizens lashed out at Jews ( Jewish). The Holocaust was a terrible time when Hitler tried to eliminate Jews, Gypsies, and homosexuals and this must never be repeated.

Jews had to follow laws that discriminated them from the rest of the population. Jews who had jobs that were …show more content…

There were Concentration Camps, Labour Camps, and Extermination Camps. In Labour Camps prisoners were used like slaves and forced to work. Extermination Camps were camps that only murdered victims. In the camps prisoners were beaten, starved, and murdered ( Crystal). The prisoners were mainly killed by carbon monoxide poisoning. The gas used was called Zyklon B, and it took one hour to kill them. Gas vans were used first, but were eventually switched over to gas chambers. Gas chambers were used, because they could hold up to two thousand victims. After the victims slowly suffocated their bodies were burned in large ovens ( …show more content…

The perpetrators of the Holocaust were put on trial after the Holocaust. The trials were called the Nuremberg Trials. The trials did not have any proof, but were based on the memories of the perpetrators. Interrogators were used to get the truth out of them. Only twenty two perpetrators were accused. Out of the twenty two only ten were executed and the others were sent to jail for a life sentence ( Ida). One perpetrator was Wilhelm Keitel. Keitel was a German Armed Force Chief of Staff. He was found guilty and hanged for his crimes ( Altman 83). Heinrich Himmler was also a perpetrator and was the Chief Organizer of the Holocaust. He organized the first concentration camp ( Heinrich). Adolf Eichman was a German High Official who helped out with the Holocaust. He organized the transportation of Jews to the camps. In 1962 he was hung in Israel (

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