Informative Essay On Glaucoma

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Living With Glaucoma
More than 3 million Americans are currently suffering from glaucoma. However, it's estimated that approximately half of the people afflicted with this condition haven't been diagnosed yet. This is due to several factors, including a common misunderstanding of exactly what glaucoma is and how it can impact people of all ages.

Therefore, it's vital to educate yourself about the symptoms and risk factors so that you can take the proper steps to protect your vision. If you've already been diagnosed with glaucoma, you'll need to develop a better understanding of this medical condition so that you can manage it more effectively.

What Is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a non-reversible eye disease that directly affects the optic nerve. …show more content…

Most glaucoma patients will use eye drops for the rest of their life. People with open-angle glaucoma may also be treated with a combination of microsurgery, laser surgery and eye drops.

How Can I Manage Glaucoma?

You can do numerous things to make it easier to manage your glaucoma. As a result, you'll reduce your risk of developing blindness or a serious vision impairment.

1. Get Organized

You need to have an organization system that includes all of the pertinent details about your medication and doctor appointments. Set a reminder in your phone about future appointments, and always tell medical professionals about your glaucoma medication.

2. Watch Out for Medication Side Effects

Serious side effects should be immediately reported to your eye doctor. It's also necessary to inform your optometrist if the medication doesn't work as expected.

3. Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Glaucoma is far from the only eye problem you could develop. Protect your vision by wearing goggles in water and protective eye glasses for sports and lawn work. Avoid rubbing your eyes, even if they're itchy. Steer clear of potential eye irritants, including eye

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