Informative Essay On Climate Change

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Climate Change Lab
Climate change is a global issue that you’re most likely either on the side that believe that this is a serious issue or you are someone that believes that climate change is not as big of a deal as scientists are making it to be. One debate on climate change that everyone is able to relate to is anthropocentric climate change. Anthropocentric climate change is all activities by humans affecting the Earth and its biosphere. These human activities increase the amount of several different types of greenhouse gases in the atmospheres. To really know what the debate on climate change is all about, you have to look at both sides of the climate change debate. After doing research in the FGCU Library Database, I found two peer reviewed …show more content…

Idso, Kirill Ya. Kondratyev, and Eric Posmentier. The authors of this article state that the estimates given by scientists on anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions is based on an in a branch of science referred to as computer climate modeling. The article states that this branch of science is still in its early stages and might not be as reliable. The main point of the article is that you can really rely on climate change data because the difficulties of computing the calculations. These authors do not ever claim to not believe in climate change, but they are challenging how much of climate change is influenced by human activities. The information presented in the article shows that climate change is happening without a doubt, but the information presented shows that there is far greater influences on climate change than humans. The article included scientific data that challenged most scientists studying climate change and use the. Their research and article was funded and supported by the National Aeronautics and Space

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