Informative Essay: Global Warming Debate

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HUMA 101
Introduction to logic & critical thinking
Final Project
Global Warming
So polarized has the public debate on climate change become that some scientists have stopped acknowledging that there is, indeed, an ongoing debate on the issue. Essentially, there are no two single sides to the issue, albeit from a scientific perspective. The same goes for the policy issue, as some scientists like Gavin Schmidt, a scientist at NASA’s Goddard institute for Space Studies. As proliferated by mainstream media, the climate change debate can b divide into two major flanks. The first concurs that the current global warming issue stems from human activities, with the other affirming that the situation is attributable to natural causes. With this long-standing …show more content…

By highlighting some of the popular fallacies floating round, this essay will ascribe to the school of thought affirming global warming as but an extremely polarized fallacy, and that its roots have no roots to human activities whatsoever.
For starters, one of the most proliferated fallacies, the Fallacy of Cause, mistakenly assumes that simultaneity is causation. In other terms, it is illogical and fallacious to assume that just because two things occur concurrently that one caused the other. This is nothing short of a Cum Hoc Propter Hoc. A prime example of this was AL Gore’s crusade. The latest scientific data on global warming, more so on the dominance of natural climate variability, seemingly negates everything Gore stood for and propagated. On 25 May 2006, Gore ascertained that humankind was but the single most powerful force in nature, one with the propensity to alter the correlation between the Earth and the Sun. How are we doing this? Gore went on to assert that the level of carbon (IV) oxide emission the human populace was producing had the capacity to tumble an entire civilization. In light of recent findings, however, Gore’s assertions are more presumptuous than …show more content…

Robinson, who terms global warming, “the greatest fraud of the century.” The damage stemming from mass hysteria, present and in future, is a devastatingly shameful comportment of contemporary society. To this end, I contend that it is presumptuous to suggest that human activities are the root cause of the current global warming situation, drawing from statistics and historical statistics. This issue, therefore, is more politics than scientific inference and proof, marked by marketing antics, which, perceptibly, lack any scientific consensus whatsoever. Ironically, it is heralded as the single greatest crises in human history. It is, as echoed by Dr. Robinson, the high time that the human populace perceived the issue for what it is: a highly politicized ploy, whose underpinnings are yet to

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