Informative Essay About Stress

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We all experience pressure from time to time in our lives, this is normal and if we are able to unwind and recover after these types of events there should be no adverse effects. It is only when this pressure become excessive or prolonged that the troubles begin and we start to experience the adverse reactions of stress. Advanced planning and basic strategies can help tackle stress and help you meet your challenges in life. (partnership, 2005) Introduction
What is stress?
Stress is your body’s way of responding to any kind of demand or threat. When you feel anxious or feeling stressed out, your blood rate pressure increases, as does your breathing rate, muscles tension, constant sweating, and a dramatic increase of adrenaline flow and state …show more content…

“Step away from coffee” – “Large amount of caffeine, whether you’re drinking coffee or energy drinks, can actually cause anxiety and loss of concentration”.
2. “Lay off the salt” – “Sodium can lead to high blood pressure”.
3. “Avoid the vending machine” – Sweet treats are full of carbohydrates which can boost up your metabolism but it will only be a temporary effect.
4. “Kick the fried food habit” – “Fatty foods contribute to hypertension just as much as stress alone, studies have shown”.
5. “Cut back on the booze” – Alcohol is more likely associated with being “calming” after a long, stressful day, but too much of it can have the total opposite effect, “Gans said. “Alcohol increases cortisol, the stress hormones, which can lead to stress and weight gain too”. (post, 2013)
Exercise tips for stress management
Exercise is the best thing people can do to help manage their stress. Unfortunately, exercise is often the first to go when people are feeling pressed for time when stress but by incorporating it can benefit which includes improved sleep as well as an improved ability to cope so adding back exercise even at 20 minutes a day
Sleeping tips for stress …show more content…

(, 2016)
The 4 A’s: Avoid, alter, accept or adapt.
Avoid – Avoiding and tackling stress is possible (, 2016)
• Be in control of your environment
• Avoid people with negative views.
• Limit and prioritise your daily tasks.
• Put yourself first and say no when you have to.

Alter- changing situations for the better (, 2016)
• Respectfully ask others to change their behavior towards you.
• Convey your feelings to them.
• Have better time management skills.
• Learn from past mistakes.

Accept- Accepting the situation is a way to moving forward (, 2016)
• Seeks help or talk to someone.
• Let bygones be bygones.
• Self motivation and self belief.
• Learn from past mistakes and use that as a guideline to improve

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