Influence Of Shakespeare In The Elizabethan Era

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Shakespeare in the Elizabethan Era Queen Elizabeth had such a great impact on the performing arts and what they are today. She had been fond of many different poets and play writers, although she seemed to take to William Shakespeare the most. He was born just 6 years after she had ascended the throne so by the time they were able to meet performing arts was at it’s peak. This helps us to assume why Shakespeare was so fond of the arts being that we do not have much documented about his life. Shakespeare is one of the most mysterious men in the history of literature the events in his life were not very well chronicled. Although, he still had a large impact on literature during the Elizabethan Era.
Shakespeare’s Life There is not much to …show more content…

The theme of the play revolves around the forcefulness of love and how love can cause violence. The play walks you through the story of the star-crossed lovers named Romeo and Juliet. Their families resented each other very much but the first time that Romeo and Juliet laid eyes on each other they believed that they were meant to be together. Their families forbade them to even see each other once they found out about their love forcing the two to go behind their families’ backs. Eventually leading to the death of both characters because of the passion between the two. Shakespeare uses the theme to capture the hearts of the viewers allowing them to form a bond with the two characters. The tragedy presented in the play is just one example of the many different themes of love that were used throughout the Elizabethan …show more content…

Claiming the lives of some of his siblings and shutting down theaters. The disease was very wide spread that many people contracted the disease. The reason it has the name “the black death” is from some of they symptoms that some of the people go through is just terrifying. Shakespeare lost some brothers and sisters to this disease as well as cast mates and other close play writers. This was when the Elizabethan era and the life of anyone were dictated by rules to prevent the spread of the virus. Many actors decided to flea to the country hoping to avoid the disease, which is why many theaters were shut

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