Influence Of Media On Parliament

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The media presents certain information through television or newspaper articles and many other ways. Usually, the media can influence and often control the public’s support and agreement. Especially regarding the government, the media has the power to affect people’s opinions by using propaganda through newspapers and various other publications. The media is very good at influencing public perceptions on parliament in a positive or negative way. The media is now one of the most influential factors in today’s society. As many rely on media as a source of information, this is what shapes and affects the public’s opinion and influences the parliament in many different ways. TV, radio, and newspapers all highlight any concerns that the public may have.
For example, the Daily Mail often …show more content…

The Telegraph began to publish the MPs expenses, which triggered an explosive uproar by the public of the extraordinary exposés of the abuse of the MPs. The jaw-dropping details of fraud and claims for ornamental duck houses caused a sensation of antagonism from the irate taxpayers. Years on the Houses of Parliament still need to recover its reputation and self-confidence in the house.
The independent Parliamentary Standards Authority monitors the expense scheme for the members of Parliament and helps rebuild the trust in the public. Nevertheless, it will take a more time for Parliament's reputation to recover. The former minister said IPSA "has a really important role in making sure that the general public can have confidence that the system is clean and people aren't getting away with fiddling their expenses". Yet still ignores the fact that the public is still angry about the misuse of permitted allowances under

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