Influence Of Geography On The Italian Renaissance

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The Italian Renaissance Essay
The Italian Renaissance was a rebirth of art, culture, and literature that happened in Italy. It occured right after the Black Death had made its mark across europe. People, mainly scholars, were starting to reemerge. Merchants were getting back to their feet and were gaining power, especially politically, like the House of Medici. Italy’s perfect location, bright minds, and major influence of the church made it the perfect place for the Renaissance to start. Geography played a major role for the start of the Renaissance. Italy is located right on the Mediterranean Sea which created easy trading routes. The Mediterranean Sea is also almost completely surrounded by land which meant that many countries could access Italian’s ports with ease. Ideas would gather and be shared on the docks then advanced to spread throughout the city-states. It also became the first port people would go to when they were in need of goods. Italy had been the core of the recent Roman Empire that had now fell. The Roman Empire had been strong and influential until the barbarians attacked, creating it’s downfall. Many scholars had already gathered there and more came with the collapse of the Byzantine Empire. When the Byzantine Empire fell many scholars fled and found refuge in …show more content…

In Italy the church already had a large influence over the people. The ancient Greeks and Romans that used to live in Italy already had a strong faith with their churches. The church also brought together some of the brightest minds, wealthiest men, and powerful men with great influence. These men were men that people believed in what they thought and said. We know that the church during the Renaissance had major political and economic power. Italy already had the foundations for this to happen. It also brought together noble merchants that had accumulated so much wealth that it could afford to patronize people of art and

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