Inflammatory breast cancer
Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is a rare but rapidly developing form of breast cancer which blocks cells of the lymphatic system covering the breast (Institute.). This leads to inflammation of the breast, redness, swollen, nipple retraction, persistent itching around the tumor site. Sometimes the skin covering the tumor might look like that of an orange, which is commonly refer to as peau d’orange (Fouad, Kogawa and Reuben). The breast might become tender with not palatable tumor making traditional diagnosis methods like mammography and ultra sound not a used to treat IBC (Komen).
IBC progress rapidly in a matter of weeks and months and most cases are diagnosed when the disease is already in stage III or stage IV, depending on the affected areas. It account for about 1-6% of breast cancer cases since most people discover with this disease barely survive (Wingo). IBC diagnoses vary about demographics. Younger women are more susceptible than their male counter parts, while African America women have a higher risk of getting the IBC than Caucasian women (Wingo). Furthermore IBC are common among obese women than women with normal weight.
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There are no standard symptoms for IBC.
Symptoms of IBC may be mistaken to mastitis (A painful infection of the breast tissue) or other forms of breast cancer or related diseases. Due the high probability of a misdiagnosis, women with IBC have a lower survival rate. Different individuals might have varying symptoms and the most common symptoms are edema (swollen), and erythema (redness) of the skin. The breast might appear pink, reddish, purple or have ridges like that of the skin of an orange (peau d’organge). The nipples might look flatten. Patients often complain of pains in the breast, or a rapid overnight increase in the size of the affected breast or swelling of the lymph nodes under the arm or the
neck. . Diagnosis. The most reliable diagnosis is full thickness skin biopsy since there is no lump that can be felt, while traditional mammography, IMR (Magnetic resonance imaging) and ultra sound only shows suspicious signs. Treatment IBC is a rapid and aggressive form of breast cancer that highly recommend patients to be seen by IBC specialist lead by a team of multidisciplinary team. In a clinical setting, IBC will be treated using these three modalities: Chemotherapy which is used to shrink the tumor, Surgery to remove the tumor and Radiation therapy (Rueth, Lin and Bedrosian). Treatment with antibiotics and progesterone has been observed to cause a temporary regression of the symptoms of IBC (Kusama, Koyanagi and Sekine) and (Van Laere, Van Der Auwera and Van Den Eynden). PET scan or a CT scan and bone scan can be used to see if the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Finally, patients with IBC should talk with their Physician about possible clinical trails. Ongoing molecular research using specific biomarker to target receptors genes on these cancerous cells will increase our understanding of how inflammatory breast cancer begins and progress and this could lead to more accurate and faster diagnostic and treatments.
This group accounts for approximately 50% of all cases and is associated with a good prognosis. It is more common in females and regularly occurs in the 15-35 year age group. Patients usually present with stage 1 or 2 disease and rarely suffer from B-type symptoms.
Symptoms women often start noticing that indicate the possibility of having a cancerous tumor in the breast include a lump on the underarm or armpit, thickening of the nipple, fluid (not milk) leaking from the nipple, change in the size of the nipple or breast, changes of color, shape or texture of the nipple or the areola, and unusual pain in the breast or in the armpit (Stephan., 2010). These are the symptoms women usually start noticing before go to the doctor to ge...
Impetigo is caused mainly by staphylococcus aurues, which is a chain of globular bacteria (Cronana, Bacteria). There are three forms of Impetigo: Bullous, Non-Bullous or Contagiosa, and Ecthyma, Bullous Impetigo is causes large blisters on the skin that start out as a clear blister then normally turn cloudy, this type of blister stays intact longer on the skin then the other forms of impetigo. Non-Bullous or Contagiosa starts as tiny blisters, as time goes on these blister burst leaving a red, wet patch of skin, after fluid leaks from the blister they crust over leaving the surface a tan to yellowish color, “like it has been coated with brown sugar or honey”(Cronan). Ecthyma penetrates deeper into the skin, down to the dermis layer of skin which is the second layer. Ecthyma is very painful pus filled sores that eventually turn into deep ulcers on the skin. Once the sores break open, they scab over with a very thick hard gray-yellowish crust. Scars may remain even after the sore, or ulcers heal. Ecthyma can cause swollen lymph glands(Staff). The Non-Bullous or Contagoisa is the most common form of Impetigo (Cronan, Staff).
This type is a marker for an amplified extent of invasive cancer risk in the same or both breasts.
Some risk factors cannot be changed such as age, race, and gender. A person 's risk increases as they get older. Approximately 1 out of 8 women are at risk of developing breast cancer are younger than 55. Approximately 2 out of 3 women are at risk of developing breast cancer who are older than 55 (American Cancer Society, 2014). To decrease this rate, women need more timely follow ups and access to high quality treatments (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015). Men can develop breast cancer, but this disease is more common among women than men. (American Cancer Society, 2015).
According to the American Cancer Society, Each year, more than 200,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer; furthermore Twelve percent of all women will contract the disease, and 3.5% of them will die from breast cancer (American Cancer Society, 2005). There are risk factors that may lead to breast cancer. There are 4 stages of breast cancer and several treatments, although treatments vary from types and stages of breast cancer. Breast cancer is the leading cause of death among women who are 40 to 55 years old (Breast Cancer, 2009).Cancer occurs when cells divide uncontrollably. It changes from a normal cell to cancerous cells that require gene alterations. Therefore the altered genes and the uncontrolled growth may lead to tumors. Tumors can be benign or malignant, benign tumors are not cancerous whereas malignant are cancerous. Benign tumors will not spread, but it can damage the tissues around it. Malignant tumors invade, damage, and destroy tissues that are nearby and can spread. When cancer cells break away from a malignant tumor and enter into the bloodstream, cancer can spread throughout the body. The cancer cells from breast cancer can be found in the lymph nodes under the arm. Cancer that spreads into other parts of the body; its still has the same name as the original cancer. So basically if you are diagnosed with breast cancer and it goes into your lungs, you still have breast cancer.
Stage IIB can also be detected in three ways. If there is a tumor between two and five centimeters present with small groups of breast cancer cells sizes varying between .2 millimeters and 2 millimeters found in the lymph nodes. The second way that IIB can be found is if there is a tumor of those same dimensions found, but this time present with cancer cells that have spread to two to three axillary lymph nodes or to lymph nodes near the breastbone. The last way can be described as a tumor larger than five centimeters but has not spread to the axillary lymph nodes.
African Americans are also more likely to catch it while they are young and have the aggressive triple- negative breast cancer. This form of breast cancer usually spread more quickly because it is immune to a lot of the treatments that usually help block the growth. It is unknown why this so but it is said to mainly come from socioeconomic factors and genetics.
There are many different approaches for management of breast cancer and treatment options that patients may select in collaboration with health care providers. Breast cancer is a complex disease that presents in many different types, with specific biological features unique to each patient. Invasive cancers are classified based on tumor type and histological grade, which is of utmost importance when deciding the course of treatment. Contemporary advances in breast cancer treatments have been made, especially in chemotherapy, hormone and biological therapies. Treatment can be a combination of local treatments, systemic treatments, and in some cases, new targeted treatments (Watts, 2013).
The risks of getting cancer in this day and age has been increasing at a rate that could be detrimental to the human race if we do not act now. It is scary to think that you or someone you love and care about will get some type of cancer in their life time. Although there are many different types of cancer that is in existence today, the main focus is breast cancer. We are going to explore the causes breast cancer, the stages, how we can treat it and what precautions that can be taken to help lower ones risk of getting breast cancer. In America a baby girl born today has a 1 in 8 chance of getting breast cancer sometime in her life. These statistics do not seem so scary until they are put into perspective. Every three minute a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer and one will die every 13 minutes in a given day. If these rates of breast cancer continue to rise there will soon be a one in one baby girl born that will et diagnosed with breast cancer. This is the future of our world that we are talking about here and no one seems to be changing the main factors that contribute to breast cancer. There are many different suspicious causes but one thing that is clear is that an unhealthy environment has an enormous impact on women and their development from babies to women.
Ways to early detect would be self-breast exams at home, annual mammograms and genetic testing for the BCRA1 and the BCRA2 abnormal gene. It has been said that when people are tested for the abnormal gene and are found to carry it, it is normally passed from either parent. Not only do women develop breast cancer, but men are also at risk. If detection is caught early enough there can be a high survival rate. Some symptoms and signs are a lump, change in size or shape of breast, nipple pain, discharge or bleeding of the nipple, change of skin color and texture, or breast becoming swollen or feels warm. It is advised to seek medical attention upon discovery of signs and symptoms. It can possibly allow a better treatment option for
Today in the United States, Breast Cancer occurs in about one in eight women which is currently the most common cancer among women. The number of cases is expected to decrease due to the advancements in technology and dedicated researchers. Scientists have put an estimated 4.8 billion dollars towards the research every year to help find a cure or a new treatment for breast cancer ("STAT Facts Breast Cancer"). Researchers have found causes, put in research and theories that help with understanding treatments, prevention and also common symptoms and coping mechanisms.
There are many different reasons that woman maybe at a higher risk for breast cancer than other woman. Family history is risk factors that increase a woman’s likelihood of getting breast cancer. What this means is if a woman is in a family where this disease is common among female or even males they are at a higher risk for being diagnosed with breast cancer than someone who is in a family where breast cancer is not common. If the relative that has this disease is one that is very close meaning they are either a sister, mother, or daughter the likelihood that said person will also contract the disease is then doubled. This is mainly due to the fact that in close relations you are able to inherit the genes BrcA-1 or BrcA-2, these genes are mutation genes that play a role in controlling the growth of cancer cell. Only a small portion of women inherit this gene about 1 in 500 to be exact, however when they do inherit this gene they have a 80% chance of developing breast cancer in their lifetime. This gene causes woman to develop cancer at a younger age usually before the time they hit menopause. Also, women with this gene have a greater risk of developing cancer in both breasts which is called bilateral breasts cancer. This is due to the fact that once the cancer develops in one breast the risk for developing it in the other breast increases. (“Breast Cancer”) "About 5 to 10% of breast cancer is hereditary, passed from one generation to the next via a variety of mutated genes". (Port 95-105) Lastly,
Inflammatory breast cancer accounts for 1% to 3% of breast cancers. The skin of the breast looks red and feels warm with no lump: due to cancer cells blocking...
In the U.S., more than one thousand men are affected by breast cancer every year and about two hundred thousand women are affected by breast cancer every year. Women are most likely to get diagnosed with it in their forties and fifties while some may be diagnosed with breast cancer in their twenties, if they started their menstrual cycles at an early age like 14. Typically, men are diagnosed with breast cancer in their sixties or seventies. Historically speaking, breast cancer has been around for hundreds of years. Thankfully, the treatment has improved.