Inequality In The French Revolution

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The French Revolution was one of the most bloodiest revolutions of this world. Inequality throughout the estates of France, the unstable and unreliable monarchy, and the ignorance of the most powerful people of France drove the revolution to become what it is known as today. To prevent the same chaos, modern societies should learn how to give everyone in all social classes a chance to speak their mind to prevent inequality. The government should learn that in order to have a successful nation, power could not be given to one person alone. After failing to recognize the harsh conditions of the third estate and being ignorant to the struggles, modern society should learn to listen to the need of its people. Due to the mistakes made in the French Revolution, modern societies are given a chance to change their ways and avoid another reign of terror.
A large cause of the French Revolution was the inequality caused by the feeling of superiority the higher classes held. They spent lavishly and treated the third estate horribly, forcing taxes onto them when they had little income. They abused their control, along with their expenses. Even when people like Jacques Necker proposed that the upper two estates be taxed, the first and second …show more content…

Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette both spent lavishly on items such as dresses and food instead of properly distributing the money throughput the estates. The cause of their lack of skill was most likely because of their young age. Louis XVI himself felt like he was unsuited to rule over France. To prevent and event like this again, modern society should learn to vote for a ruler or leader and not burden them with all the jobs of governing a nation. Jobs should be split among a group of people and no one person should be given too much power. To avoid the abuse of power, the governing of a nation should be split among skillful

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