Income-Based Fines

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Income-based fines center on the idea that a high-income individual who breaks the law should have to pay a higher fine compared to lower income individuals breaking the same law. The idea is based on the fact that the fines in place now are regressive and hurt lower income individuals which make them more accountable and more likely to obey the law. How it stands now a $100 speeding ticket to millionaire has little deterrent effect on changing their behaviors compared to lower incomes. Currently, as of now, there is no city in the United States that uses an income-based approach, in the past, there have been several cities and counties that experimented with it including Polk County, IA in 1992 ( ). It is implemented in several European countries …show more content…

Citizens on parole have risen 55 percent to 824,000. Over the same time, jail populations have risen 93 percent and prison populations have risen 311 percent. Overall there are more than 7.2 million people under correctional supervision ( ). In addition, poor Americans also face the problem of citizens being unable to pay fines because they are not adjusted to their income. Most fines come with interest and if a poor individual was only ever able to pay the minimum payment each month, their payment will keep growing. One way to counteract this trend is to introduce and expand fines by implementing day fines. This would mean targeting offenses from simple misdemeanors to lesser felonies which people are normally sent to either jail, probation or prison. By shifting to this model federal, state, and local governments can reduce their costs because jail and prison populations will decline. In addition, the laws will be more equitable with individuals across the spectrum receiving fines with the same economic sting based on their daily income. Finally, day based fines will potential increase the revenues of the state and local governments because of the additional fines that are imposed instead of prison. The following paragraphs will show how day based fines could accomplish these …show more content…

First, in 2015, the Iowa Court System collected $155.9 million in revenue from fines (xi). This revenue was then split between the state government (Iowa General Fund), cities and counties, prison infrastructure and several other projects. By following a system that has a higher collection rate for fines revenue will increase for state and local governments. There will be fewer people going to prison, jail or probation thus reducing the cost associated with building new jails and prisons, and the cost of maintaining and staffing the old prisons. The jail and prison cells will also be saved for more serious offenses. This increased revenue can go to various projects from transportation infrastructure to paying off the state deficit. This year the State of Iowa faced a budget deficit of $131 million dollars and as of 2015, the state was owed $682,720,000 in outstanding court fines (xiii). By implementing a system that takes into account a person's ability to pay a portion of this might have been repaid. Collecting just 19% of the outstanding fines would have allowed the state to pay for the budget deficit. This would have meant there would have been no slashing of funds going to cities, counties, and state universities and state

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