Incest Rape

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The Rapist There are many types of rapes and assault in the world. 2017 is a crazy place and society has deemed it this way. What is Rape? Rape is when a female or a male is physically penetrated via oral, vaginal, or anal. Sexual assault is different because; sexual assault does not require penetration. Sexual assault can be defined as any unwanted touching or any behavior without consent of the other party. Any sexual contact can be the potential of being illegal due the victims age and is related as a family member. One type of rape is the acquaintance rape. Acquaintances rape is one of the most reported type of rape. These are people the victim personally know, the offended knows them he or she knows their roteen what they do. When they …show more content…

Same genes as a brother or a cousin. In incest rape is when say a brother forces his sister to have sex with him. Or say like foster kids that is a problem recently, foster problems are when a foster brother and sister have sexual interactions. But when the sister gets adopted in to the family she becomes legally a sister, and that begun to become incest. “The subject patients were found to be distinct for chronic depression, morbid obesity, marital instability, high utilization of medical care, and certain psychosomatic symptoms, particularly chronic gastrointestinal distress and recurrent headaches. It is clear that these remote events can underlie difficult chronic medical problems” (South p. 2). Incest rape could cause many problems later on in the life of the victim. Rape is a traumatic experience that no one should experience. Especially raped by someone you trust like by your own brother or father. That’s a sick thing that no one should do and when triggered, the victim can suffer much triadic …show more content…

If you know who the person who is raping you is or you don’t. Rape is rape. Rape by law is defined as “The carnal knowledge of a person, forcibly and against his or her will. More specifically, penetration, no matter how slight, or the vagina or anus with any person, without the consent of the victim” (Schmalleger p. 43). Legally rape is a very tricky subject and many can get in trouble for it. The lack of knowledge is the most dangerous weapon for the abuser and could cause him or her to be in deep trouble with the law. There is too many types of rape cases out there but in the end, if the other person that is having intercourse does not physically say yes I want to have sex. That could be a serious crime. In sex both parties have to be consenting to be

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