In The Heat Of The Night Analysis

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In the novel in the heat of the night and in the movie remember the titans the two main characters, Virgil Tibbs and Herman Boone, where stuck in very similar situations, both being black men taking over a job from a white man and then being ridiculed for taking that job over. In this essay we will be looking at one of the similarities and differences that each of these 2 characters have and why they have those similarities and differences and what effect it had on the story.
The main difference that these characters have between them is how they react and handle how others subject them to racism and racist thoughts and comments. While Virgil acts fairly calm about it and seems to just let it slide, Herman on the other hand will not tolerate …show more content…

They both had far better and proper training while the other coach and Sam had just been given the job by luck and while they both did their jobs adequately it was evident that their skills, especially Sam’s, were no where near the same level of ability Virgil or Herman. In the heat of the night the book clearly states that most of the men in the police force had no training what so ever but in Pasadena California’s police force Virgil had to go through multiple years of school and training to get to the job that he had. While in the movie it did not clearly say how the other coach got his job I think that it is safe to assume that he was just put there just to be there like most of the other teachers. It was clear that he had been doing that job for many years and that he had gained a lot of respect in his community for what he had done and that he had grew a very strong connection with the boys that he was playing with but when Herman moved in to take his job no one was very happy about it, not even Herman, he was forced into that position due to the schools merging together. Herman has a very different style of training than the last coach, he if far stricter and he doesn’t care if the team likes him or not, he just does his job and dose it

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